
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Book Review #102: Think With Me: Fundamentals for making our country ideal By "Saharasri" Subrata Roy Sahara

Title: Think With Me: Fundamentals for making our country ideal
Author: “Saharasri” Subrata Roy Sahara
Publishers: Rupa Publications India
Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 150 (Paperback)
Source: Advanced review copy from Publishers

Subrata Roy Sahara is a self made billionaire. Whatever may be the adverse transactions or financial hiccups he might have faced that eventually landed him in jail. But, that didn’t deter him to pen down his thoughts about the country and the ways it can be made better for the future generations. This book is a sequel to his other books “Thoughts from Thihar” & “Life Mantras”.

In this book Roy has argued some of the pressing issues that India as a nation is facing in each and every day.  He has penned down his idea of how we can tackle those problems in a more mature way and including every stakeholders at present. Though some ideas seem out of the box and some may feel it is ridiculous, but one has to appreciate the thoughts that have been put forward in this book.

The book has many ideas pertaining to many current problems. Especially his ideas about the exploding Indian population that is a sure shot threat in the future. Quoting the example of China’s one child policy, Roy has asked the government to take up the stand and device only two children policy for Indians. He has also put forward his ideas of giving financial perks to those families that will stick to the two children policy. The idea may seem plausible if we look at the present problems we have due to over population. Still over 30% of India’s youth are unemployed. Quality of life is deteriorating day by day. Children are suffering from malnutrition. Equal opportunity seems distant possible because the system cannot accommodate each and every individual with a nice living and earning. As a personal opinion, honestly, I feel the idea should and must be implemented.

As we read through the book, Roy has suggested some improvements in the electoral process that we already have been practicing over 50 years. Author suggests that an MP (Member of Parliament) be selected outside the election purview and they should be able to monitor the works and progress of an elected MP. He has to report to the Prime Minister periodically with the stats and figures of n MP’s works. If the report seems to show that an MP has failed in delivering his promises to his people, then he can be sacked immediately. Though this idea seems to be a nice one, but implementing this will be an add-on task on the government exchequer. There are able government bodies and agencies that can keep track of an individual portfolio’s progress and recommend improvements.

At the last part of the book, Roy talks about the role of media, the fourth pillar of our constitution. These days’, the media’s role has been largely opinion oriented than the facts driven. Print and Visual media both are in a rat race to deliver fast new to their viewers and readers, that makes them to deliver news without checking the facts and relevance. As per the author’s suggestion, he recommends the government to curb the media and put forth a stringent guidelines and recommendations in terms of delivering the authentic news. There are lots of people who are persecuted due to the false propaganda of media. He suggests to setup fast track courts in dealing with the media’s propagandist nature. These courts should be able to deliver justice quickly and make the media to behave in a more responsible way. Through this even lawyers would get employment and many of other staff members. Given the context that author has come up with this idea, I see that he has been a personal victim of the false media propagation. Anyway, there are courts to decide whether Subrata Roy was indeed innocent and was actually framed by the media. I really liked this particular idea. It should be the need of the hour to control the mainstream media in a country like India. People are constantly fed with the false stories, propaganda news, malicious content, inappropriate allegations, and so on.

Overall, I feel this is a nice book. The ideas and thoughts mentioned by the author was really an eye opener. The very impressive idea that made me to think for over few minutes was to have a national religion for India. Does that really work? We have no idea. But, author’s urge to have a national religion for a diversified country like India seems too unconventional. Never in the wildest dreams of any Indians, would this become a reality. Even though majority of the country are wishing to see it happen in near future. This book is not a recommending material, but to read once is not a crime.

My Rating:

Note: This book was given to me by the Publishers in exchange for an unbiased review.

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