
Monday, December 26, 2016

Book Review #101: Crooked Minds - Creating an Innovative Society By Kiran Karnik

Title: Crooked Minds – Creating an Innovative Society
Author: Kiran Karnik
Publishers: Rupa Publications India
Genre: Innovation Ideas/Society and Social Science
Pages: 220 (Hardbound)
Source: Advanced review copy from Publishers

What it takes to being innovative or inventive? What are the roles that an individual, society, organizations, governments, cities, states and countries play in building those sustainable models? What are the pros and cons of doing the same? What are the parameters that one should and must consider while innovating? How those markets can be capitalized? These are some of the questions that any entrepreneur will face in their lifetime while they’re trying to establish a new venture of their own.

This is a book that speaks about those challenges of setting up an innovative culture in any aspects and in any scale. Be it an individual contributor or a team, each one of them can gain a good insight from this book on how to take a step ahead. Innovation is something that requires out of the box thinking in each and everything that a person or an organization does. But, what are the pitfalls or lessons that one needs to incorporate in dealing with such aspirations? This book specifically deals with that ideas where the entrepreneurs can get a new perspective altogether.

The book has various sections covering wide range of topics which deals with the innovation. Author Kiran Karnik, a man of many credentials, has crafted a well researched and thought off book that could create an interest among individuals who can take up the role of entrepreneurs. The author emphasizes the fact that exploiting and capitalizing the Indian innovation market (popularly called as “Jugaad” market) and tap into those areas which is not yet been given full research and importance. He has given numerous examples of companies from Indian and international arena. 

One such example is the organization called “Zip Dial” a venture setup by a foreigner in Bangalore which purely exploited the Indian invention of “Missed Call” concept and started out a huge organization based on this very comical idea. Zip Dial has assigned a specific number to their clients where customers can give missed calls to it and immediately the customer would receive the required information regarding that product or services at no cost. This is purely a win-win situation for both customer and the company. This was proven a game changer for the company Zip Dial, and they went on to add nearly 500 clients as their customers in few years of starting it up. Zip Dial was acquired by Twitter recently.

Further reading into the book, we will also get to read stories of the startups, now big companies like Uber, Netflix, and Airbnb. These companies have had their basic idea of exploiting the untapped markets and created a niche out of it. Now, Uber has definitely changed the concept of how the customer will book a taxi service and how Airbnb has asked the users to become hosts for strangers in their country by sharing their accommodation for a nominal fees setup by the customer themselves.

The book also covers some of the important aspects regarding the logistics considerations while setting up the new company. From the Indian perspective, author has carefully probed and analyzed the major metro cities and the advantages and disadvantages that it provides to support a new venture. He has eloquently explained about cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi/NCR, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Kolkata and so on. He also emphasized the 2nd tier cities like Ahmadabad, Cochin, Surat, Pune, etc…

Author also expressed his concern regarding the government policies that are available in promoting the innovation and startup cultures in the country. Also, he has suggested the new entrepreneurs to reach out to specific government bodies to avail the facilities and funding for their startups. This includes from various fields and not only IT sector.

The author has made some good amount of research on the standings of India on a global startup scale. India’s ranking in the yearly patent filing category. How India is faring low compared to USA and China in filing and procuring the patent rights for their unique designs and concepts. He has explained the importance of obtaining the patents to inculcate the habits of safeguarding the intellectual property rights of an individual and organizations.

The book also stresses about the need of the high quality university requirements for our country. How a globally recognized institutes would result in fostering a startup culture and why India is basically lacking these kind of infrastructure. For sure, India is struggling with old syllabus in our technical universities and is not keeping up with the pace of the changing world. The book has a clear explanation of the importance of higher; advanced technical education. This is the need of the hour if we want our younger generation to compete with others globally to make a mark in the startup initiatives and making them a success.

Overall a must read book for all those aspiring entrepreneurs. This will give you a fair idea of how competitive this world has become in terms of setting up new ventures. I would definitely recommend the readers to buy this book.

My Rating:

Note: This book was given to me by the Publishers in exchange for an unbiased review.

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