
Monday, July 7, 2014

Book Review #21: Breaking India: Western Intervention in Dravidian and Dailt Faultlines By Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan

There are few books that leaves its readers with dismay. Readers feel a sense of lost after reading this massively researched book. Spread across a mammoth 650+ odd pages, having end notes and glossary worth 80 pages and its bibliography extending to more than 50 pages, makes this book a massively researched book.

Breaking India, penned by the authors Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan is a myth shattering book. It exposes various facades of cultural malice veiled as a humanitarian agenda. This book documents 'what is known', 'what is unknown' and 'what is known and neglected by mass Indians over the centuries' about the danger that western interventions poses threat to our very cultural, spiritual and religious foundations of great Bharat. With majority of Indians (read as Hindus) believed that, their culture, heritage and great history and their SANATANA DHARMA will be preserved throughout many centuries undisturbed, must read this book in order to learn about the various atrocities and ill-motivated propagations that western offices carry out in India in the name of Social Service, Poor Upliftment and what not.

Breaking India is not about political rabble rousing; it records the misery of a deeply aggrieved civilization of India that may in the future die a slow poisonous death. The ongoing christian evangelical missionary activities and its stronghold campaignings across the country has callously devalued and eventually devastated other ancient cultures and people. This book sparks an honest debate on the extent of human rights and other "DALIT EMPOWERMENT" projects.

This book constantly unmasks the various missionaries, US funded evangelical organizations and other internal rabid hindu haters. One such example I must have to mention, is about a person called Kancha Ilaiah an activist and a writer who wrote a book titled "Why I Am Not a Hindu: A Sudra critique of Hindutva philosophy, culture and political economy", where he goes on ranting about Hindu cultures, and with a single sweep, he rejects all our ancient scriptures as the scriptures that propagates the violence.

Authors goes onto expose some of the grave realities of the western cooked-up stories of our India and its ancient culture. One such incident, where they try to separate the Dravidians a.k.a South Indians in the name of Myth Aryan invasion theory. They try to bring up the Tirukkuraal and try to portray the author of the Thirukkuraal Thiruvalluvar as a christian!!. Several evangelical organizations and its representatives have argued over many years on this issue, especially, Deivanayagam, a former Hindu and a converted christian who wrote many articles, books and so called research papers on these topics.

Authors has also exposed some of the evangelical organization's idea of depicting our ancient Indians dance forms such as Bharata Natyam by christianizing it. A well put up blog about this can be found here Christian Denigration of Indian. An art form of Bharat Natyam is depicted as a Yavoha dance form in the following LINK.

Authors had left no stone unturned in demasking these two faced chameleons. One more such example, which is happening in our very own kerala is "JESUS NAMASKAR". A lifted phenomenon from our ancient Yogic practice of Surya Namaskara. Several converted Christians have undoubtedly contributed to such stupid false stories. This section of the book leaves readers with much disappointment. How low one can go to propagate their religion in the name of Human Rights.? God Knows. Our Indians must not fall prey for these thugs and accept whatever they say. India is a land of sages, land of the divine. If this propagation continues, there is no option left but, to wait and watch as India Breaks.

Dravidian Christianity

In a blog written for Huffington Post religion section, Rajiv Malhotra stated various facts about this age old myth called Dravidians were the descendents of Christians. Rajiv emphasized in one of his blog about the european mischievous acts of making Sanskrit as an european originated language, showing Aryan's race have born and prospered in Europe first. On a similar note, Rajiv exposed this Dravidian Christianity. He writes that, 

"Dravidian race theory originated in 19th century European scholarship when colonial and evangelical interests used linguistics and ethnic studies to formulate imaginary histories and races. While European scholars were busy appropriating the Sanskrit classics as the heritage of Europeans, British linguists Francis Ellis and Alexander Campbell worked in India to theorize that the south Indian languages belong to a different family than the north Indian ones. Meanwhile, another colonial scholar, Brian Houghton Hodgson, was promoting the term "Tamulian" as a racial construct, describing the so-called aborigines of India as primitive and uncivilized compared to the "foreign Aryans." 

The narrative that author used is that St. Thomas, the apostle, visited south India and taught Christianity to the great sage, Thiruvalluvar, who was inspired by Christianity, but did not capture St. Thomas' message accurately. This is often portrayed in recently published paintings showing the sage sitting at the feet of St. Thomas, taking notes. Sanskrit is downgraded as a language created by St. Thomas to spread the Christian message to the uncivilized north Indian races.

At the "International Conference on the History of Early Christianity in India." The then senator, Hillary Clinton says:  

"I am confident that the breadth of resources presented during the conference will shed light on the impact of Christianity on medieval and classical India and its effects on the cultural and political climate of India..."

Overall, as far as I can see, the important message of Breaking India is: Do believe in your country, be a patriot, respect your dharmic values. Don't go behind westerners in the name of modern values. You must love India as a country, that has greater values than what most of us knew till date. 

This book sure its a wake up call for every Indian to think deeply and maturely about the future of India and stand up to these western threats, within and outside, so that we may allow our future generations to benefit from the foundation of our eternal sanatana dharma. As the famous Sanskrit verse goes, "Dharmo Rakshati; Rakshitaha" which means, "Protect Your Dharma; Dharma will protect you in-turn". Period.

My Rating:
5/5 (This book is beyond rating!!)

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