
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Book Review #22: Bankerupt By Ravi Subramanian

Thrillers, Thrillers and more thrillers. Yes, I love reading books on this genre. I find it really enthralling to read such books, which leaves me with a big sense of satisfaction of achieving or witnessing something in front of my eyes.

I should've read this much before, anyways, now I did. It didn't disappointed me. Ravi Subramanian has again mastered at his creativity by making this book "BANKERUPT" as one of the best thrillers that I have read.

As there is a saying by famous short story writer Henry Van Dyke , Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.  Every characters of this book seems like racing against the time. It holds the readers with a firm grip that, one would not really wish to put this book for a second day reading. Expectedly, I finished this book reading in 2 sessions. You always feel that, what would happen next, who is the culprit, who is the hero, who is plotting for a coup, etc.. etc.. That's the Crux of this novel. 

This novel has everything in it. As the caption of this novel goes, "DESIRE. GREED. MURDER". The story tactfully captures all these essence and leaves the readers with much awe. 

The book has 3 tracks of story. First protagonist of the novel, Aditya Raisinghania, an investment banker at Greater Boston Global Bank (Shortly called as GB2), who has dreams to make it to league of big-wigs and believes in achieving something in any means, by hook or crook.

Another Protagonist of the story, is Cirisha Narayanan, a tenure assistant professor and a research student in social psychology at Massachusetts University of Boston (MIT), who is known for her integrity, honesty and living the life in a right way. 

The Third track of the novel is about the Gun lobbying in USA, by some hard core groups that influences many universities in doing a research programs.

Intertwined with all these stories at the right time and in right place, author has left his readers with no time to think. The plot introduces us to the various incidents of the protagonists with their ups and downs in their respective lives. Aditya's crooked plan for selling a shoe company that was under nominal profit, for a higher valuation price, by tweaking the records of that company, that showed it as running in higher profit. What he thought was a small mistake led to a bigger scam which he never expected, this incident reminds me of the famous corporate scandal that happened in India, Satyam Scandal. What can be achieved by manipulating the accounts, will certainly leads into a bigger mess later. Later incidents in the story that leads Aditya to get terminated by his company.

In another track, Cirisha Narayanan wife of Aditya, was stuck between her much anticipated academic life and her personal marriage life. The incidents at MIT, and fight between two high positioned professors who was fighting to get the highest chair of MIT, is an awesome read from the book. 

Meanwhile, the Gun lobbying in USA is an altogether different story in the book. Certain lobbyists influences and sponsors few people at MIT to get a research report on why banning Guns is not a good idea. This section of the novel feels like it is for real after witnessing several shooting incidents in past few years. 

Overall, a must read book for thriller lovers. Somehow, I was bit disappointed at some of the incidents in the novel, regular murders of someone or the other in the novel, the gay relationship of professors at MIT, the role of police is kept bare minimum, no rigorous investigation chronicles by police which was expected out of every thriller novels, etc... I felt this section of the book would've been narrated in a different way. Anyways, as a 3 books older of  Ravi Subramanian and considering myself a fan of him. I give full points to the author for bringing such a speed and engrossing novel.

My Rating: 5/5

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