
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Book Review #88: Eminent Historians: Their Technology, Their Life, Their Fraud By Arun Shourie

Title: Eminent Historians: Their Technology, Their Life, Their Fraud
Author: Arun Shourie
Publishers:HarperCollins Publishers India
Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 270 (eBook edition)
Source: Personal Copy

Does the modern liberals hate Hindus and demean our scriptures right from the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Upanishads and Hindu philosophy ? Then, who is to blame? Does all these secular changes were new to India? Does belittling Hinduism is the new phenomenon? From where does these set of people even come from? Those very answers lies in this exceptionally written book.

Arun Shourie the author turned politician has penned this epic rebuttal to those intellectual terrorists and demagogues and ripped apart their lies that they peddled for nearly 4 decades. Communism is not new in India, in fact, the communists supporters are prospering in India since its inception till today. But they do it openly. But, how about those so called intellectuals and historians who subvert the very history of India to please their masters and doing more damage to the national prosperity? Arun Shourie has addressed the very same issue in this book titled Eminent Historians.

The first few pages of the book doesn't seems quite interesting as there only figures of the money that these eminent historians took to complete their writing projects at the expense of tax payers. Shourie has tabulated all those details of each individual who are making a moolah by doing nothing. The scores of these historians are in the likes of Irfan habib, R.S Sharma, Bipan Chandra, Lal, Panikkar, Romila Thapar, Anand, and so on. These people were adorning the highest chairs of Universities in this country and are helping to nurture their proteges by imbibing the same communist ideologies in their pupils. These historians have took all the advantage of government to write something real, but all they did was to subvert the very basic foundations of this country.

As the book progresses further, we get to see from the example of West Bengal government's action plan of editing the history text books for school children. As per accounts exposed by Shourie, all those crimes and robberies committed by the Islamic invaders was deleted from the books at the orders of their existing government at that time. Instead, kids were taught how intolerant that the Hindus and Hindu religion is. There is not an iota of doubt that, the communist champions were the brain behind these.

This is just an example from the book. You get to read many such cringe worthy details of these communist authors that went ahead and tried to paint a bad image of Hindustan. Shourie emphasizes the fact that, even Russian authors are fair enough in their writings than these communist eminent historians of India. These communist historians are peddling lies after lies and worshiping the likes of Mao, Stalin, Engels, etc.. These are gods and flag bearers of social justice.

Shourie further exposes the lies of those authors who claims that the Hinduism is a new 19th century British created movement and there was no real Hindu religion at all. These authors goes a step ahead to celebrate Jainism and Buddhism. They also mention that, Hinduism has targeted the Buddhists and Jains in India that resulted in the decline of these religion in India. But, they forgot to mention the attacks perpetrated by the Islamic invaders who pillaged the country and ransacked their monasteries. Author has exhumed the truth by giving the right references for each of their lies and exposed them brilliantly. 

I guess, more Indians should read this book to understand why there is liberal movement in today's India? Why there is an uproar of modern secularism? Why the universities like JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) is breeding anti-nationals in their campuses? Why there are no real historians remained in this country that could teach the real Indian history to its people? And, finally, why this new generation of students who remain closed to the arguments and research, but, believe in the books offered by our governments as curriculum?

The book overall exhumes the truth in the subtle way. There are few section of people who argue that, Arun Shourie has written this book to settle personal scores and animosities with these authors. But, it is not. Try being rational and open up to the arguments presented by the author. It is really an important book for everyone. A collectors gem. Highly recommended.

My Rating:

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