
Monday, August 3, 2015

Book Review #74: Durgastamana By Ta. Ra. Su

Title: Durgastamana (Durga’s Sunset)
Author: Taluku Ramaswami Subba Rao (Ta. Ra. Su)
Published Year: 1982
Genre: Historical (Non-Fiction)
Publishers: Hamsa Sahitya
Pages: 650+ (Hardbound)

This novel is easily considered as one of the MAGNUM OPUS in the Kannada literature in the field of Historical writings. The author Taluku Ramaswami Subba Rao famously known as Ta. Ra. Su has literally given his life to complete this novel. He started writing this mammoth novel in the beginning of the year in 1981 and completed it in just under 5 months. By end of the year 1981 this novel was completed and by the early 1982, this novel has been released to the public. From that time, till today, this novel has stood against the time and tide and keeps inspiring many young writers who wants to take up the writings of a historical novel.

This novel has been awarded with the Kendra Sahitya Academy (The 2nd highest literary award in India) in the year 1985. Unfortunately, Ta.Ra.Su wasn’t alive to receive this award by himself. His wife accepted this award on behalf of him in the year 1985. The massive research that author has done in creating and writing this novel is evident in every page of the book. Probably, this can be considered as a single reference book to known the life and details of the last ruler of the Chitradurga, the indomitable, the ever loved Madakari Nayaka

Reading this novel requires a dedication and patience. It is not at all easy to read a mammoth book of more than 650 pages and grasp every details of it. It is that much detail oriented and it gives us an ample amount of information that need not be verified with any other books.

The novel opens with the death of the King, Kasturi Rangappa Nayaka II, the erstwhile king of the Chitradurga. The wife of Kasturi Rangappa Nayaka II decides to adopt the 12 year old Madakari Nayaka, the son of Bharamanna Nayaka and Ningavva that lived in a village called Janakalludurga (Nearby village of Chitradurga). Soon enough, the young Madakari Nayaka ascension to the throne has been done, and he was soon inducted in to the royal school to learn the art of administration, of war, of ruling, etc… under the able leadership of the Queen mother Obavva Nagathi and the ever loyal minister Kalli Narasappayya. As expected, Madakari Nayaka excels in his studies, his other education specifically designed for to be king. The time has already come to test his knowledge to the use in a small battle against the Rayadurga (Neighbor province of Chitradurga). The young Madakari Nayaka was invincible and soon enough he gains the trust and love of his people by his undiminishing attitude as a ruler. The people of Chitradurga has found their true ruler and extended their support and loyalty towards Madakari Nayaka. During his younger days, Madakari Nayaka has gained the trust of his royal court, his ministers, his family and his citizens and grew up as a much loved King.

The book further explores the details regarding Madakari Nayaka’s learning years and his marriage with Bangaravva, Padmavva and his love interests with the city devadasi girls Kadoori and Nagavva. He remained as a true lover to both of his wives and remained an ever loyal lover to the other two. His family details and discussions were discussed in many chapters and it is connected with the story, which I am omitting in my review.

As the book progresses further, Hyder Ali who was the ruler at the Mysore province and on expedition to expand his kingdom towards north. Initially, he approaches Madakari Nayaka for the much needed help, which was offered by Madakari Nayaka after consulting and taking advices from his minister Kalli Narasappayya. With the extended help from Madakari Nayaka, Hyder Ali was able to win over many Maratha provinces and their friendship grew day by day until an unfortunate event. This Hyder Ali was not a friend and not an enemy to any of his fellow kings, he only wish was to be the undisputed ruler across the India. To make that possible, he was ready to go to any extent. With these crooked thoughts in minds, Hyder Ali places his spies in Chitradurga’s kingdom to collect the information of the war details, like, number of soldiers they had, number of horses they had, number of weapons, bombs, foot soldiers, etc… of Chitradurga’s kingdom. During all these times, his minister Kalli Narasappayya wasn’t aware of these spies, but, not Madakari Nayaka.

Parashurama Nayaka, the younger brother of Madakari Nayaka, who grew up in the school of Minister Kalli Narasappayya, has gained much knowledge in the ministerial proceedings of his Kingdom. Madakari Nayaka appoints his brother to spy on his Minister Kalli Narasappayya to fetch the details regarding the spying from Hyder Ali’s men. To his astonishment, Madakari Nayaka finds out greater details than he was expected, which he questioned his Minister Kalli Narasappayya in the open court, that lead to the resignation of Kalli Narasappayya on the grounds of treason. But, Madakari Nayaka, didn’t take any action on his Minister, rather, Kalli Narasappayya himself resigned from his post and left the city along with his wife to some pilgrimage. 

Days become tough for Madakari Nayaka. After collecting enough information about Hyder Ali, Madakari Nayaka decides to break his friendship with Hyder Ali, which made Hyder Ali furious and decides to go for a war. In these times, Madakari Nayaka writes to Maratha Kings asking their support to fight against the Hyder Ali and his lakhs of man force. But, Maratha’s kings keeps Madakari Nayaka in wait as they were not able to resolve their own internal conflict. The rest of the details are explained brilliantly in the book. 

The final war sequence which covers almost half of the book is what this book is all about. As per this book, the war between Hyder Ali and Madakari Nayaka that went on for almost 8 months to an year is a battle that was never seen before and never after. The intensity of the battle was imagined brilliantly by the author, supported by his strong words and anecdotes. As expected, even in Chitradurga, the Muslim warriors from the Chitradurga’s side will betray Madakari Nayaka at the last stage. They secretly tied up with Hyder Ali and took a vow on Quran to never fight against the infidels. This betrayal cost Madakari Nayaka a great deal. Apart from this, the few leftover Maratha warriors argued about payment issues and never took part in the war whole heartedly. All these events led Madakari Nayaka to face the mighty force of Hyder Ali with his few thousand warriors, with a least hope of saving his kingdom. The results need not be mentioned here, as everyone knows what might have happened. The sun of Chitradurga a.k.a. Durga has set. That is “DURGASTAMANA”

Even after these many hundred years. The life story of Madakari Nayaka inspires everyone. His fearless attitude, his untainted charisma, his able administration, is a true testimonial of how great the Chitradurga during his time. A true classic hero of Indian history. Till today, several forts of Madakari Nayaka has been preserved in Chitradurga and made as a tourist place which attracts thousands of tourists every year. A must visit place for everyone. If you have read the book before visiting this place, you might long for those tiny details that you have read in the book. A great compilation by the great author. I recommend this book for everyone. 

My Rating:

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