
Monday, March 2, 2015

Book Review #66: The Demeter Code By Russell Brooks

Title: The Demeter Code
Author: Russell Brooks
Publishers: Self Published
ISBN: 978-0-9867513-6-3
Genre: Thriller Fiction
Pages: 366 (Epub Version)
Source: Review copy

The United States of America is under an attack. But, this time it is not the straight fight by terrorists. Rather, it is a bio-weapon attack. The entire nation was shocked to the core and the government and other intelligence agencies are trying their best to crack this case. There is CIA, NSA, FBI, etc… etc… that are too involved in the investigation of this. Sounds interesting? That’s the plot of this novel.

When I was offered to review this book by the author, being a thriller fan, I admit that I’ve made the right choice. The level of research that the author has put in through for this book is visible in the story. This is a big novel. And, there are many plots, subplots that happen across the world covering many countries from Europe, Asia and Middle East.

Ridley Fox, a former Joint Task Force 2 Warrant Officer (JTF2) has joined back up with Dr. Nita Parris on a mission that is imagined brilliantly. What is seems like a terror attack in the initial few pages, turns out to be a bigger bio-weapon attack on the whole country. The formula of the bio-weapon is what that the author is trying to break in this novel, “The Demeter Code”

As the novel picks up from its initial stage of all the introductory scenes, it gets serious as the sole purpose of Ridley Fox and Nita Parris and their hacker friend Dewan who assists them in hacking the suspected places surroundings to help them in connecting the dots. They soon will discover many things that are beyond the comprehension level. They will detain a woman called Katy Sparks from whom they get necessary information that could help them to go to the next level in their operation. In all these stages, the author has never left a clue on what leads to next. He has maintained that suspense in every page and for sure readers will be guessing what will happen next as they read through the novel.

The dynamics between Ridley, Parris and the Hacker genius Dewan was so well written that you actually feel like you are part of their conversation. One may feel like, Ridley and Parris are the main protagonists that have to be praised for their entire courageous feat. My favorite would be this Hacker Dewan, with his unflinching demeanor and timely hacking of the surrounding that actually help the protagonists carry out their operation with so much ease and comfort. Certainly, Dewan is the unsung hero of this novel. I felt, Katy Sparks’ character would’ve been extended little further.

What will happen next? Will Nita Parris and Ridley Fox able to crack down the case? Which terrorist organization is involved in declaring the bio-weapon attack on the US soil? Well, these kinds of questions will pop up in our mind as we read through. The balance between the good guys and the bad guys is maintained well. However, there are too many details for each operation that would make us wanting to skip a few pages. Certainly, the entire novel could’ve been cut short by few pages at least.

Overall a well-researched project and well executed too. The novel takes in all the facts from around the world. Author’s brilliant imagination has added life to the novel which comes as a running picture before our eyes as we read through. A brilliant novel to read and I recommend this novel to all.

Note: I received this book by the author in exchange of an honest review.

My Rating:

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