
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Book Review #62: Two for the hearts By Ekta R. Garg

Title: Two for the Heart (Stories in pairs: set one)
Author: Ekta R. Garg
Publisher: Prairie Sky Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-9909360-1-5
Genre: General Fiction/Short Stories
Pages: 55 (EPUB Edition)
Source: Review Copy

This book consists of 2 short stories that were written pretty well. I enjoyed reading it. Ekta R.Garg has written these 2 tales that is full of emotions, love and care. That’s the theme carried away in this novel. A short book of relatively 50 odd pages, gives us an amazing experience. Stories that is blended with pure emotions and lots of love, makes this book as a unique and a must read.

The first story from the book is “The Proposal”. A young lawyer Akshay and a doctor by profession Pooja was not ready to bother about their individual relationships. However, they both get cornered into a marriage by their elders. But, they both cleverly plan for something else. They decide to get their divorce papers ready right after their wedding. They eventually gets their divorce papers applied and it is one steps behind to get it officially termed as divorced. Some unusual circumstances make them acts otherwise. Akshay finds Pooja the more caring when she took care of his ailing mother who is on the last stages of cancer. Whereas, Pooja finds Akshay the most understanding person, when Akshay agrees to participate in a ceremonial dinner planned by Pooja’s parents where they both have to act as man and wife. These things and other favorable moments made them realize what true love is and they just no longer cared about their divorce.

The above story seems very simple as it looks. But, the intense emotions that each character displays are just more than enough. Author has not wasted time and space to shovel extra description of events, or characters or places in the novel. Author has more concentrated on the human emotions which is very apt to the above story.

The second story in the novel is “The Remembrance”. Helen wakes up in the hospital and she has no idea how she even got there. Everyone in the hospital dodges her question. And, then her sister Rose with whom she has not spoken for 11 long years comes to aid her. Without realizing Rose’s situation or what she has been through just a few days ago, Helen acts in the most unusual way and tries to avoid Rose. Rose visited Helen right after conducting their father Mr. Green’s funeral. She was advised by doctors to stay for some more time. Helen, of course, was not aware of her father’s death or her husband’s death, seems to have lost memory. She almost forgot what happened recently. So, as the story further progresses, Helen gets discharged from hospital and she was gaining her memory back. Soon she realized what she has lost. She started sobbing uncontrollably. Helen realized her loss and Rose’s love for her.

The 2nd story also seems to be very simple. But, it gives readers a chance to ponder over few little things in life that can actually help to clear the misunderstanding.

I liked the first story more than the 2nd one!!

There is a slight twist in both the stories. Author is very clever in linking both the stories that gives us a new perspective altogether. There are also surprises in the stories, not so shocking or breathtaking, but author holds back and keeps the secrets for the readers to reveal themselves. The overlapping of both the stories while not interrupting the each individual story adds another layer. A main character in the first story is actually a background character in the 2nd story!!

These 2 short stories can be elaborated to make them as a novel altogether if tried. But, here it worked so well to keep it short and to the point. The focus was given more to the main characters than the props while not losing out on the quality or content. I recommend this book to the readers.

Note: This book was sent by the author in exchange for an honest review.

You can buy the book from here:

My Rating:

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