
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Book Review #57: The Second Coming: A Love Story By Scott Pinsker

Title: The Second Coming - A Love Story
Author: Scott Pinsker
Publisher: Scott Pinsker Publishing
ISBN: 1500167215
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 238
Source: Review Copy

I was approached by the author Scott Pinsker to review his new book - The Second Coming - A love story.

My initial thought about this book is "This is a strange book!!” Yet, it keeps you hooked till the end. The language is simple and the writing style is more lucid and engaging. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I was also skeptical when I saw the cover image of book, it resembles Jesus Christ. And, I thought, is this a religion based story? Since, I really didn't want to read and review a religion based book and throw in my feedback that could actually upset or offend somebody. But, I was proved wrong. :-D

This book actually speaks off 2 demigods (I use the term demigods, since; both of the protagonists are claiming to be the second coming of Jesus himself). I am quite not sure why the author had decided to name his protagonists as "Israel" and "Joe"!! Anyways, these 2 demigods claim that they are the second coming of Jesus Christ and they would try their best reasons to back it and win the hearts of the people of United States of America.

While doing so, both Joe and Israel wins some serious believers. Joe gets his true follower, a lawyer, Ms. Margareta Magdala. And, Israel gets his loyal follower, an ex-speechwriter, a gay man, David Shepherd. Followers in both the groups try to win the hearts of people by campaigning for their respective second coming of Jesus Christ. This sort of becomes a cult system, where half of the country on Joe's side and other half following Israel's side.

As the book progresses, both sides campaign restlessly and struggles to pass on the message to the masses. In this due course, Margaret Magdala finds many big shots that least interested in her campaign and more interested in the beauty and charm. As expected, this resulted in the negative publicizing of Margaret. Even her own people started doubting her. She was getting enough monetary support from some of the bigwigs in exchange of bodily pleasures with her. This includes a famous radio broadcaster, an industrialist, etc… On the other side, David, the true campaigner of Israel, wins the monetary benefits of a big Arab business tycoon at the cost of his boyfriend Michael. Michael and David were in a gay relationship for quite a long time. Their relationship were short lived in this novel due to the differences between them in this cult worshipping.

As the novel approaches towards a logical end, a stage will be set up in public for both of these second comings claimers. Both Joe and Israel were well prepared to woo their followers. The entire debate was headed by a third person who devised a calculated time frame for each of them to talk which was followed by a QA session.

Well, the real crux of the novel is in the last chapter. Author had written some exceptional arguments about what is god, who is god etc... In a more matured philosophical way. It is indeed the philosophical thoughts that Joe and Israel exchange between them whilst they're proving themselves. I did really enjoy this part of the book.

The burning question of who was actually the second coming of Jesus Christ? Is it Joe or was it Israel? Were they able to prove to their followers? The answer lies in the book. It’s a very great attempt by the author to write this kind of fiction. For sure, those who read the book will find themselves witnessing some answers that they are searching for all their lives!!

Conclusively, it’s a different book. It is thought provoking and with full of amazing quotes. I would definitely ask the readers to read more such books and encourage the author.

My Rating:

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