
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Book Review #38 - Who Will Cry, When You Die? By Robin Sharma

I generally don't read self-help books. But, this one book made me to read more of such books. Thanks to the author Robin Sharma. It didn't really transform my life in overnight, rather, it did allowed me to sit and introspect a bit on what I might be missing in life. This book is something that reverberates in your mind for a long time, leave alone giving you an idea of what's most important.

I really loved the title of the book. In a moment you all want to read this book. Who Will Cry When You Die?. A question that everyone must ask themselves when they are alone and contemplating about life and its oddities. Robin Sharma had clearly articulated in this book, the 101 'Life Principles'. Is it just 101 or much more? To answer this, there are more to what Robin Sharma had tried to give to his readers.

The entire book is just about those small changes that we can apply to our lives to bring that happiness that we always longed to bring or see. Collection of these thoughts what makes this book as an unique and inspiring. You may wonder while reading this book, why didn't I realized these trivial things all these days? Well, we are too much deep in our materialistic desires and never in any given day has given thoughts about these.

This book is just about realizing what makes us more happy and less resentful. Robin Sharma had explained in a simple but elegant manner. Author had covered every little details ranging from waking up early in the morning, to have a nice family outing, to have a collection of our favorite books, to see that one life changing movie or to have a gala time with our kids till some of the serious topics like why doing meditation is a good way of silencing our chattering minds, why having a "lone time" is important, why should we start living our day like its our last etc, etc...

We all knew that these things are more important in our life, but, we haven't given a much thought about it. From this book, what you learn is an art of living and an art of dying as well. We are living our life trying to achieve something we don't really like to show off to some people whom we really like. If those people like you really, they allow yourself to get something that makes you live as yourself. Though I don't really say that, materialistic success is not required, I am only asking to not consider those as the real success. There is something beyond in everyone's life that we are failing to appreciate. Well, this book just gives you an idea of finding those somethings and make your life more meaningful.

Robin Sharma regularly uses famous quotes in all his books. That adds more meaningful messages to what he says. Even in this book you find ample number of quotes that adds more color to the book. I really liked this particular quote:

"When you are born the World rejoice while you cry. Live a life in a such a way that when you DIE, the World should cry and you rejoice" - Sanskrit Saying

I recommend this book to be read by everyone. Though it may not bring overnight changes to your life, but, surely, it evokes some questions that every readers can questions themselves.

My Rating:


  1. There is no need for me to sing the same paeans that have already been sung for the book; instead i would just like to say that one should read this book while undergoing the darkest phases of life. Human beings are so often thrust into inextricable predicaments, from where there seems to be no escape and the advent of the light to pierce through the all pervasive darkness seems highly improbable . This is the book that can bring that much required 'light' into anybody's life, and for people stuck in a crisis the book ought to act like a magic potion - it did so for me!

    1. I second your thoughts. It did really inspiring to many. Thanks for your comment! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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