
Friday, August 8, 2014

Book Review #26: Yana By Dr. S.L. Bhyrappa

For the first time S.L. Bhyrappa tried a science fiction based novel.!!. Published just 2 weeks ago, has attracted thousands of his loyal readers, making this book as one of the bestsellers in Kannada in recent days.  As a first timer to this genre, there are slight mistakes and scientific inaccuracies and there were space to improve in the writing. Nevertheless, this book didn't disappoint me. As a regular reader of SL Bhyrappa's books, what I read is an expected. There is nothing unexpected or extra super stuff that he wrote. He just carried it in a simple but elegant manner.

What it seems to be the most secret phenomenon called Black Hole has been studied in this novel in a somewhat possible way. But, it is beyond a science fiction, it explores the regular SL Bhyrappa's flavor of human relationships, bondage, philosophical aspects, etc..

The story is very simple as it seems to be. Two Astronauts, a female fighter pilot Uttara and a male scientist Sudarshan, who sets out on a epic journey into a far away galaxy leaving our solar system. They set out to travel to the Proxima Centauri which is several light years away from our solar system.

The intention of this journey was kept a top secret by the central space research agency. The mission was supposed to test the human generation growth in a space. These two astronauts were supposed to procreate and their children were supposed to marry (Yes, you are reading it right!!) and should procreate and this cycle must continue forever. As the intention of this experiment is kept top secret, the central space research agency selected fighter pilot Uttara for her right attitude towards serving the country and Scientist Sudarshan who is capable of building modern space shuttles. They were instructed clearly by the space research station that they will never return to earth. So, these two sets out on this journey or YANA leaving behind the earth forever.

As the novel progresses further, Author had done little damage while describing the space and its intricate details. Though he described the space shuttle in somewhat possible way. The space station that has facilities to grow even vegetables. It has been proved in recent times about the facility to grow vegetables in space stations.

As the novel continues, we find that, pilot Uttara had already covered a space travel program of 100 days previously with her pilot husband in a similar journey. When the 2nd time was announced, her husband declined this offer, whereas, Uttara accepts this offer. Hence, their relationship was ended abruptly.

With the clear instructions from the space research agency, these two protagonists, Uttara and Sudarshan were supposed to procreate. But, somehow, Uttara loses her interest in this idea and she starts to avoid by becoming pregnant. And, Sudarshan tries all his might to explain the duty that she was supposed to carry out in this mission. But, he fails. As their journey continues, Sudarshan also loses interest in this mission and he tries to find solace by surrendering to meditation. The ideas and the thoughts that Sudarshan gets while he starts practicing meditation is a treat to read from the book. I will not be explaining those things in my review.

After a while, Uttara changes her mind and approaches Sudarshan. But this time, Sudarshan declines and suggests her to get pregnant with the sperms that was given to them by the space research agency before their travel. Somehow, she gets pregnant and gives birth to two children a boy Akash and a girl Medini. These two children were supposed to get married in few years and carry out this YANA. But this idea itself is somewhat creepy. I know some conservatives/orthodox people will hate this idea of brother marrying his own sister. But this is fiction right, author have every rights to let his imagination go in any direction.

As the novel progresses towards the end, the two children were supposed to marry. But, they starts getting doubt about this marriage. So, they approach their parents with all the questions they have on their mind. By studying their parent's life journey, they comes to a conclusion that, this journey has come a long way and there is no possible way of going back. Hence, they also decides to serve their mission and thereby serving their country. This marks the end of the book. Were they got married ??. Imagination left to the readers.

The writing style of this novel is lucid and it did engage the readers. If you expect a typical SLB writeups in this novel. There are two answers for that, Yes and a No. Yes, because you can read the conventional human-human relationships, whether its an illicit or a time bound relationship doesn't matter, the spiritual thoughts that runs through in the minds of protagonists, the philosophical experience, etc, etc.... And No, because, you get a feeling that, this is not even a science fiction, but a regular book that has a backdrop of space station. THAT's ALL.

Overall, can be read. Not a must read though. Author would've taken a different approach for a science fiction genre than his regular writing style. A new try will always have some loopholes.

My Rating:


  1. I don't know, why you think growing vegetable in space station is exaggeration. people are already doing it in ISS

    at least read last two lines

    1. Thank you Sharatgani for your comment and of course for the link!

      I will check out this link. Thanks!

  2. I agree with Sharatgani, I liked the book, my rating 4.75/5.


    1. Hi Satish,

      Thanks for your comment, I too agree with Sharatgani.

  3. just finished the yana, awesome something different experiments initaited by SLB, in my openion we can little bit compare this novel with down browns digitel fortress, great work Mr byrappa we expect that further days you will give us best reading experiance to to kannadigas

    1. Hey Anonymous,

      Thanks for your comment. Do visit the blog for more Kannada books, especially SL Bhyrappa books.!

  4. I just finished reading Yana. It is a great input to non English knowing public. It gives a peep into latest in science such as fertilized egg growing in woman's body, scientific necessity of not having identical DNA for procreation. Scientifically, the children are really not brother and sister. Communication delay as the distance is in terms of already light hours. Must read for non English speaking public.

  5. I wont agree with Pradeep T on the comment of growing vegetables. The concept is " Grow as you go " which is even practiced as pilot by NASA and other space research organisations. I don;t think SLB will make such mistakes, This aspect was also confirmed by Space Scientist Dr.Satish of ISRO. Just to highlight that SLB does enough research on the topic before he starts writing.
    More over, People should also know that Any predictions on Science through novels, and fiction becomes a reality as the time progress ( There is research by Scientific community to conduct such literature survey and make realise this fiction/imagination to reality ..! ) So brushing aside such facts is foolish .

    1. Hey Anonymous,

      Thanks for your comment. I do agree with your views and I completely agree with what you said after reading and researching myself about this topic. I respect Dr. SLB sir and I also know how much research he will put in before writing novels.

      I will revert my review and agree with the other commentators here.

      Keep visiting the blog for more reviews.


  6. Reading Kannada novel for the first time. :)
    I dint read the complete review cos I don't want to know the story. I just wanted to see the response for this novel :).
    I have read about 100 pages now and I have to say its interesting. Its like Interstellar experiment in Kannada .. The scientific concepts are very well written ,looks like a lot of research done. The way these concepts are written is awesome, it is easily understandable.
    The way he has written the emotions of both Utara and Sudarshan is good too.. User wont be able to take any sides while reading and their actions are justifiable on their part.
    Good Read :) !!!

    1. Good that you liked the book. Visit this blog for more SL Bhyrappa books! Thank you :)

  7. A great writer. Had been born British, his prodigious talent would have conferred him Nobel prize for literature. He completely grips the readers and they find it difficult to put down the book. I read most of his novels and it's my experience that till I finished reading, he took me to a different experience. After Yana, I like to call this typical shift as a "Universe" created by Byrappa.

    1. Nice to read your comments. Thanks for stopping by.


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