
Friday, March 21, 2014

Book Review #4 - Kavalu By Dr. S.L.Bhyrappa

Before I begin the review of this book. Let me put it straight-forward, according to the major critics and some of his loyal fans "This book is not one of the major works of Dr. S.L.Bhyrappa". Main reason being, the subject of the novel that the author took in this book, is entirely a contemplation of everyone's modern day-to-day life of Indians. And, this book depicts those society that is populated with a coward, timid people.

The primary argument that the author was trying to portray in this novel is about the feminist movment that has raked up in recent years, and misuse of the laws by these "so called" feminist activists to harrase a major portion of the male population in the name of domestic violence, dowry, etc.. This book hits right on the face with reality that this country is going through at this moment. That may be the best reason why even some of the ardent fans of SL Bhyrappa is not able to completely digest this novel. Rather, they were disturbed at the thoughts and questions raised in this book. This reality is in a pure need of introspection among the masses. If you ask anyone the subjects covered in this novel, instead of accepting the grave realities, rather they will go in a defensive mode and pretend nothing is wrong with their family system.

What began as a movment in post-independent era of India for bringing gender equality in the name of Feminism agenda. Today it has taken a deep turn and used as a last resort for exploitations, torture against innocent male popluation. I am in no way support of domestic violence, I am just articulating what author is trying to bring out the issues.

The introduction to the novel itself is quite disturbing, a big industrialist Mr. Jayakumar was arrested on the domestic violence charges and was put behind the bars. Later it got revealed that, the complainant is none other than his own wife (2nd wife) Mangala, who was an active feminist.

Mr. Jayakumar was an example of rags-to-riches in those days. Married to Vaijayanthi a supportive female who helps Jayakumar to build his industries and held a responsible position to develop it. They had a daughter Puttakka. It so happened one day that, Vaijayanti and Puttakka met with a severe accident and result of which their daughter had sustained serious head injuries and became mentally challenged for rest of her life. Whereas, Vaijayanthi is dead.

Now, author explains how Mangala became wife of Jayakumar. Mangala was appointed as a personal secretary of Jayakumar in his business. She seduces Jayakumar with her paegent beauty which lands Jayakumar to invite Mangala to have a sexual contact with him. This illicit relationship was going on for a while, later it got revealed that, Mangala is now carrying Jayakumar's child in her womb. This was a blow to Jayakumar, since, this relation was just on a mutual consent and neither of them agreed for marriage. Later, Mangala forces Jayakumar to marry her, otherwise, she will stage a protest against him and bring down his reputation. Locked with no other choices Jayakumar marries Mangala.

One must understand what the author is trying to say here. Though they were married to each other, their marriage life never took up on the path of happiness. Infact, Jayakumar was always repenting for his decision to have a sexual relationship with Mangala. Being a feminist from her college days, Mangala, never accepted anything that her husband used to insist. Daily they used to fight over petty things. In one such incidents, when Jayakumar was helping his mentally challenged daughter for dinner, Mangala abused Jayakumar that, he has a sexual desires for her 14 year old daughter. This is where the novel takes it twist.

When author tries to bring out the college days of Mangala, he introduces a character "Ila". She was the lecturer of Mangala. Studied in England, she returns to join this college as a lecturer on social studies and reforms. In no time, Ila became the favorite person of Mangala, due to the feminist thoughts of Ila on various issues. Infact, Ila went a step ahead and asked her students (especially female students) to participate in one of the forums where they discussed about having sex before marriage. She insisted that, sexual desires are equal for both men and women, and one shouldn't have a fear or something to talk openly about this. Listnening to all this speeches, Mangala was so enthralled and decides to become an active feminist in future.

During this time, Author brings up one more character, Prabhakar who is a fellow student in her college whom Mangala was in love with. They were the most talked couple of college, since, their love relationship is known to each and everyone in college including lecturers and professors. It so happened that, Prabhakar indulges in an unprotected sexual contact with Mangala one day, and later when Mangala found out that she is carrying Prabhakar's baby. She insists Prabhakar to marry her. Prabhakar declines marrying her and rather suggests her to get an abbortion. Mangala brings this issue infront of Ila her lecturer, Ila also suggests Mangala to get abborted and break her relationship with Prabhakar. Also, she encourages Mangala that she has done no wrong and it is just nothing but desire and she should not feel herself sorry for doing this. This is breakthrough in Mangala's thoughts.

Author SL Bhyrappa also introdues the family of Ila. Ila was married to a successfull professional Vinay Chandra and they have also have a daughter Sujaya. Even Ila tries to dominate her husband on all issues and decisions. Due to this Nagging wife, Vinay Chandra thought of separating from her and gets his job transferred to Delhi. He insists her to change her job and move with him. He already knew her decisions, and when she said she can't come and neither she will be sending her daughter with him. Vinay Chandra moved alone to Delhi and visited his daughter once in every 3 months. Being separated from Wife, Vinay Chandra has been involved in having sexual contacts with Call Girls. Here the Author brings up the main causes of the breakdown of marriage.

Even Ila, having separated from her Husband, though she decides to leave her job and go and join Vinay Chandra in Delhi. Her feminist ideologies stops her from doing so. She thought herself that, "Why only female's have to adjust everytime. Why can't he quit his job and search for a new job in this town itself.?". This is the case with majority of the population of India today.

Years have passed, and now Ila's daughter Sujaya is already 18 years now. One day, she finds out her mother Ila having an illicit relationship with a minister of the town in her own house. Horrified at this incident, Sujaya not dared to ask her mother Ila about her acts. But Ila herself, one day reveals that, she needed a partner who will satiate her sexual desires and she tries to justify it by saying that, Vinay Chandra is also having relationship (not one, but many) with call girls. And, she openly says to her daughter Sujaya that, she is already 18 now and she can have her own relationship with a person whom she likes. And, advises that, safe sex should be practiced. Having understood everything, Sujaya decides to move out from her Mother's house and calls her dad and explains everything and she moves into a Hostel.

Later Vinay Chandra files a divorce from here wife Ila.

Here Mangala finds out Prabhakar again in one of the Feminist meetings in the city. It brought down all her memories down the lane. Then she decides that, rather than living a dead life with Jayakumar, it is good to get separated from him. She befreinds Prabhakar again, and, their relationship beguns to grow day by day. She invites Prabhakar to her house when no one is there and indulges in sexual activities. Mangala one day forces Prabhakar to marry her and she is ready to divroce Jayakumar. Even this time Prabhakar declines and says this was a mututal consented relationship and on top of that, he is happily married now and he cannot have a second wife now.

Jayakumar's mother is another important character in this novel which is introduced much later. A woman who speaks of the strength of the values that she has found in living in a hard life through her entire years. The twist in this novel appears, when Jayakumar's mother visits him in Jail and finds out that Mangala is sole responsible for this entire fiasco. She says "He is my Son, and he needs me now". This is the right discousure on the other side of the novel.

The other small character which appears in the novel is Nachiketa, Jayakumar's elder brother's son. Who lived in USA and lost everything and returned empty handed to rebuild his life. Even his story reveals that he was the victim, who was abused by domestic violence laws. An young man, migrated to USA, at first lives-in with a white woman, who walks out this live-in arrangement within 2 years. He then falls for another elderly white woman who is a mother of two. She traps him in a marriage and grants him freedom when he agrees to pay everything that she has demanded from him. In the end, he marries Jayakumar's mentally challenged daughter Puttakka to start his life afresh.

The male protagonists in this novel Kavalu is of a mere symbolic representations and nothing much importance given to these characters. Mr. Jayakumar being shown as a sober, socialist person who wants to get in the good books of society. But, lacks courage to encounter his personal exploitations from his own family members and he stood gazing at his personal downfall. Whereas, Vinay Chandra a sophisticated professional ubran lad, who doesn't hesitate to manipulate the things that he wants either by hook or crook. And lastly Nachiketa, a loser who lost everything abroad and returns pale to start his life again.

Overall, the two stories that is emerged in this novel is disturbing and dangerous. We have often created lot of Mangala's and Ila's in our society in the name of feminist agenda. Both of these 2 characters fails to understand their family bondings and kept their personal agenda atop. Ila, not only fails to understand her daughter Sujaya personally. Whereas, Mangala, inspired by the Ila's personal conviction about feminist ideologies kept every step in wrong direction, which failed her in every relation that she had.

One must understand, why people with their eyes tied blind, albeit sincere to their ideologies are rigid by the very same ideologies. And live their life in denial and always seeks an opportunity to blame other people for their current situation than to introspect a bit.

Despite a total tragic end of both the families, every male character in this novel tries to bring back their family together and tries to fix up their shattered love life relation. Failing to do so, Jayakumar after getting separated from his wife and completing his tenure in jail, starts a new consulting business with the help of his elder brother's son Nachiketa, who married Jayakumar's daughter Puttakka.

The readers of this novel needs to create a picture of their own according to his/her own beliefs, mental positions, character, imagination, sophistication and a profound expirience. For most of the people this novel can't be digested soon, they need to re-read entirely to understand their social stands.

My Rating: 4.5/5

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