
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Book Review #7 - Land of the Seven Rivers - A Brief History of India's Geography - Sanjeev Sanyal

Land of The Seven Rivers - Sanjeev Sanyal
I have read several books on India's History in past. There was nothing special that those books attracted. However, this one book "Land of The Seven Rivers" by the author Sanjeev Sanyal fills that gap and takes one to the cleaners.
The author has personally researched on various historical facts by travelling the length and breadths of India and other countries about the traces of its History. With a clean rendition and the pace it gives while reading the book makes anyone to read chapters after chapters. One disclaimer should be given beforehand, this should not be read in one single sitting, rather, it should be read in slow and steady manner. Since, it takes a while to digest the facts after facts that one encounters.

 If the review can be put in one single line, it is "Saptha-Sindhu (Seven Rivers), One country, Five Millennia, Startling History and one awesome book". 

Sanjeev also had authored another book, "India Renaissance: India's rise after a thousand years of decline" that's his first book, which I haven't read yet. But, it is sure in my reading cart.

Let me put it straight before going to the actual review, some of the eminent self attested historians, seculars and progressive thinkers are not going to like this book. This hits straight into their face like a missile. This book is one hell of an attempt that tries to BUST many beliefs that held strongly in traditional and regular interpretations of Indian History. One such example that the author tries to set in the first 20 pages of the book itself is:

"The white Aryans are not some Indo-European invaders that came from far away land and shooed away the illiterate Dravidians and sat and wrote Vedas. And, RIGVEDA is rather associated with our Harappan Civilization". 

I am quite sure that, this will be the burning moment for some of the eminent personalities who had attested themselves of learning about the depths and depths of Indian History.

The story narration is also quite different in this book. As the title of the book says, it is a story of the seven rivers OR sapth-sindhu. Instead of tracing the history through Kings, Kingdoms, Dynasty, War, Robberies, Attrocities, Conversions, Killings, Pillages, etc.. This book attempts to trace the history through the geography of the land and how it developped over time to become what is India is today. The one takeway from this book is, the generally held notion of India, and makes it clear that India is a country of ancient memory.

The book is a complete history of the formation of the India through the Vedic times till the new age political formation. It starts with the breakaway of the big supercontinent GONDWANA, introduction of the plate tectonics, and the much talked river Saraswati getting dried up, thereby forcing the population to move out their territories and expanding the Indianization to the outside world and how India collided with Asia, etc..
The author also attempts to give the examples of the wartime of Mahabharatha and the remaining places of Kurukshetra, Indraprasta and other related towns and the excavations that is being conducted on these places to extract more. He also gives examples of Ramayana, and the path that Ram, Laxman and Seetha matha took when they started their exile journey from Ayodhya to Lanka, crossing the mid India, Southern India, The construction of the Ramasethu Bridge (Adam's Bridge) and also attempts to give the exact location of the Kishkinda, the capital city of Monkey Kingdom (Vaali/Sugreev) place, etc..

The reading just takes you away in a fantastic journey forcing the readers to imagine a picture of all these events and how the country has formed and all the events that took place.

The book also makes a strong point on the lost river Saraswati. And the civilization that was flourised along the banks of this river and these people might be the root of our Initial Indus Civilization. The author combines not only the geographical details, but also, the genetic factor (The genes R1a1) to evaluate the question and derive that the Saraswati river must have flown alongside the Indus, thus making this river as the center for our civilization. Both sides of the arguement about the Aryans have been thorougly examined with the conclusion that the Aryans can have originated only from India being supported by the genetic evidence, which settles most of issues once and for all. This time frame also covers Sudas, Bharata Tribe and what happened to them as well as the role of the Vashista. It also goes onto provide the link between the Avesthans (Zorastrians), Iranians, Indonesians, etc.

There are chapters that goes with the title "Age of Lions" and "Mauryan Empire" which traces the development, origin and demise of the Mauryan Empire. The book also makes a strong arguement about how the lions were completely ignored and tigers have almost attained a place in every historical events, etc.. Surely, this section of Lions is a fascinating read.

The reading journey takes us to the transformation of the medival India to the time of Moghuls and Arab invaders. The excellent section comes when the development of Delhi (Old and New) throughout these Arab and Mogul Invaders rule. The book marks a profound point on the ruins of the Delhi and the exact location, description of those places.

The attempt to get the map of India through Trignometric methods for over 60 years is one of an awesome section that anyone reads in this book. The book also covers the growth of the railways network in India and hardships that went through building this. The book goes on to give the facts and figures of how the princely states like Junagarh, Hyderabad, Kashmir were inducted into India. And, how Bangladesh (Then EAST PAKISTAN) have got their Independence with the help of India, following the emergency rule for about 1 and half year, every small detail has been covered.

The book also emphasizes that Indians had a profound sense of History and have exhibited a unity. Some of the examples are like this:

"An edict by Emperor Ashoka from the 3rd century BC, is one of the 2 columns that Feroz Shah Tugluq got transported to his city with great care".

The Iron pillar stands in front of Qutub Minar complex in New Delhi is made of "almost pure Iron and yet has not rusted despite being exposed to elements of environment for about 15 centuries. The inscription on this pillar is dedicated to the Hindu god vishnu and tells of the exploits and conquests by a king called Chandra" .

A strong reason why India remained a cultural subcontinet superpower for millennials has to do something with India's ability to cope up with different cultures, race and practices. Not only religious and intellectual innovation has been witnessed in this age. But also, "the Ayurveda", Susrutha (The first sophisticated surgeon in the world) who not only mastered in conducting operations, but also, devised a fully sophisticated set of "Surgical Instruments and Procedures". Unfortunately, no one remembers this great personality these days, he was lost long ago in the medival era.

India has also seen the first learning center's of world that ever have happened. It is Takshasila - destroyed by Huns in 5th century CE. And Nalanda - destroyed by Bhuktiyar Khilji in 1193 CE which also accomponied the murder of thousands of monks. No world class universities or learning center's have emerged in India after this wreckage.

The book also enlightens us about the southern India especially the HAMPI, the cultural capital city of VIJAYANAGARA empire. Being considered as cultural heritage by UNESCO, this is one of a awesome city that was built during those times and it will certainly takes more than a week to completely evaluate and visit every temples, structures, roads and palaces. The epic structure of VIJAYANAGARA empire god VIRUPAKSHA, is still there in vandalised state, witnessing the ever painful barbaric attack by Moghul and Arab Invaders. "At its height, it was considered to be one of the largest cities of the world in those times". This whole city was destroyed in the battle of THALIKOTA during 1565. Thereby ending an ever growing, flourished kingdom to ashes.

Last but not least, the author also tells us that, Indians obsession for the fair complexion as depicted by our commercial and television media is a false notion. Rather, it has been observed that many of our prominent gods Krishna, Rama are all dark complexioned characters.

Overall, in India's civilizational progress, was brutally turned into a decline mode for thousand of years. Turkic, Arab, Mughal invaders were all somewhat successful in ruling us for decades after decades. But, sadly they are unable to contribute any significant notables like literary artifacts, in music, in monuments, in counstructing univertisites, etc.. rather, their main motto was to pillage this country and make it appear as what it is today. Without any doubt, INDIA was the richest country interms of economic reforms, in cultural aspects, in science, astronomy, universities, etc..

This book is a fascinating read. It keeps its pace from page 1 till the end. This book for sure is a sugar candy for those history buffs who are open to receive awesome knowledge and facts. Even the writing style in engaging and lucid. It is a difficult task to cover entire 6000 to 7000 years of history in just 250 odd pages. The book contains a potful of information, ancedotes, descriptions and details that comes as a surprise for anyone. And makes this book as a collectable jewel item.

My Rating: 5/5

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Book Review #6 - Samskara By UR Ananthamurthy

This is one of those novels where writing review is a difficult task. Moreover, it is not a book which had covered around thousand pages like the novel "A Suitable Boy" by Vikram Seth.
This novel is just about 100 odd pages in Kannada (Which was originally written in) and about 140 pages in English (Translated by AK Ramanujan).

The author UR Ananthmurthy is a renowned kannada novelist, a controversial debater and self proclaimed secular who has also written several english literary works. And, he was awarded the prestigious Jnanpith award in 1995. About this novel Samskara, that revolts around the Caste dominnant culture of 1930's and 40's. This novel was published in 1965 originally in Kannada, later it was translated to English by AK Ramanujan in 1976. This novel was also made into a feature film by another renowned Kannada novelist, play-writer, actor, director Girish Karnad in 1971. This movie has received equal number of accolades as well as criticisms in those days. It has also won the prestigious President's Gold Medal award for the best feature film in those days.

If the review or the intention of the novel can be put in few lines, this is a mere experimental writing with the new facets of language and reality and thereby ushered into modernism into Indian Literature.

Ever since its publication, Samskara has been highly controversial as it has been highly popular. It has been widely praised by critics, as well as been harshly attacked by some people. The arguement was, this novel is interpreted as a forceful portrayal of the decaying Brahminical practices and people are open to modernism. I would like to emphasize that, there is also another dimension to this novel. The focal point in the novel is not about the practices followed by the Orthodox Brahmins, their struggle to keep their practices untouched and always kept in high regards. It is rather a moral and spiritual journey of one through what might be called as a "Fortune Fall" defines the theme of this novel.

The epicenter of the novel is the character Naranappa, who was a Brahman by birth, but, never lived like one. He can be best described as a Non-Brahminical Brahmin, who indulges in various Non-Brahminic acts like consuming meat, consuming alcohol, indulging in prostitution and befreinding the low-caste people.

Now readers should not get an impression that, Brahmins are fanatics, fundamentalists or radicals. This is the actual picture in the earlier days of Pre-Independence era of India. However, I fail to understand, why the author has not made any significant effort to convey his readers that, not all the Brahmins were practicing this kind of life, rather a one or two which can be hardly found. Anyways..

The novel opens with the death of Naranappa, a Non-Brahminical Brahman, who involved in practicing a modern way of life, denouncing his Brahminical rituals by consuming alcohol, consuming meat, he also left his wife and was living with a prostitue Chandri as a man and wife. When this was challenged by some of the fellow Brahmans in his village "Durvasapura" (An Agrahara, where the population of the Brahmins is considerably more)., he often criticized them and responded them with his own justifications, saying

"To bell hell with your Brahminism, Congress Government is coming to power and all the people will be equal from then onwards. You have to open up the temples for all the low caste people as well"

This is a point worth to be noted, since, the story happened somewhere around 1940's and it was the time when India was on the verge of getting her Independence from the clutches of British. And, Congress is going to form their first ever democratic government.

Back to Novel...

When the news of Naranappa's death has been brought before Pranesacharya (another Protagonist in this novel, whose story is revealed in the later part), by his acting wife Chandri a prostitute. Praneshacharya who was known as a leader among the MADHWA BRAHMINS in Durvasapura, and he has gained profound knowledge of Vedanta and has studied vedic subjects in Kashi. He was kept in high regard or rather in a cheif guru positions by the fellow Brahmins of that village. Praneshacharya was popularly known as "Crest Jewel of Vedanta". By sticking to his renounced way of life to attain Moksha, Praneshacharya married a woman who is bed ridden. By serving her through his entire life, Praneshacharya maintained the chastity to attain the Moksha, thereby setting an example for the other's in the village. But, what follows later in the novel, is a pure realisation.

Now Paneshacharya was in a dilemma about who will conduct the "last rites" or "Samskara" for Naranappa's dead body. This is because, Naranappa has followed a Non-Brahminical practice throughout his whole life in that village and almost everyone in that village has hated him. And, no one dared to conduct his last rites/Samskara for his body.

Looking into the confusions among the Ace Brahmins, Chandri took all her jewellaries out and announced that whoever conducts the last rites for Naranappa, these jewels will go to them.  Due to this bribery of Gold, one of the other Brahman Garudacharya says that, he is ready to conduct the last rites, provided Praneshacharya's consent/approval. As the story further goes, several other Brahmins would come forward to conduct Naranappa's last rites for the love of Gold that Chandri has offered.

Now, everyone in the village has agreed on a common point that, Praneshacharya would study all the vedic scriptures about how to conduct the last rites for an outcast person.

In this time, Praneshacharya failed to come to a conclusion on how to solve this problem. He studied throughout the night and couldn't able to find any clue. He then realises that, he would seek the devine permisson and he went to a Maruti temple inside the forest. He sat there in a praying position and was seeking any revalation from god about his problem. The reader must understand that, Praneshacharya was thinking about his reputation as a cheiftan among the Brahmins, and he also thinks that, what would other Brahmins would think of him. A profound Pundit of Vedanta, who failed to find a solution to this problem. His reputation was at stake at this time, and Praneshacharya wouldn't wish to damage his reputation.
Meanwhile Chandri has followed Praneshacharya into the woods and observes what he does.

Even after praying for the whole day, Praneshacharya failed to get any divine revalation and disappointed he comes to a conclusion that. Any person from the adjacent village (that was SMARTHA BRAHMINS village in majority) should be called and Naranappa's last rites should be made accordingly. He tries to move out his place and walk towards his village. Due to darkness he accidently falls on Chandri who was sitting next to him, and his hands fell straight on the bossoms of Chandri. In that moment, Praneshacharya's mind blocks and all his chastity in his entire life was crumbled within seconds. Within no time, he had sexual intercourse with Chandri..!!

The 2nd part of the novel starts from here..

When Praneshacharya woke up in the morning. He was still sleeping in the laps of Chandri who satiated Praneshacharya's sexual desires. He felt like a child sleeping in his mother's lap. Later, Praneshacharya asks Chandri to get back to village and explain the villager's what had happened and his decisions of not returning to village. There are 2 aspects of this decisions:

1. Being ashamed of himself, and to avoid the wrath of his fellow villagers. He decides to stay in woods like a fugitive.
2. The other angle is, having committed such a crime, and spoiled his chastity. He denounces his GRIHASTASHRAMA (one of the 4 cycles of BRAHMAN). He decides to step into VANAPRASTHASHRAM.

The readers are left with their own imagination about why Praneshacharya deicdes to stay in the woods.

As the story further reveals, Villagers were waiting for the return of Praneshacharya their guru. Hoping to find a solution to the last rites/Samskara for Naranappa's dead body. Here, Chandri returned from forest and secretly meets a Muslim man from another village and pays him money to perform the Samskara for Naranappa's body and conducts the last rites without informing aybody. After the last rites she leaves that village for permanent and travels to another town.

Wandering aimlessly in the forest Praneshacharya remembers his bed ridden wife and he suddenly feels guilty of himself for not taking care of his wife. He rushes to village secretly and by the time he comes to his village, the entire village was being evacuated because there was an epidemic. When he enters his house, he finds out that, his wife is dead already. Cursing himself for not being to able to take care of his wife, he performs the last rites of his wife and then decides to go deep into the forests with the intention of not to return.

From here, the third and the final part of the novel starts..

This part mainly emphasizes Praneshacharya realization about the life and the way he is looking at this all his life. In forests he meets another wanderer who goes with the name PUTTA, who was a low caste Malher by birth, and a pimp by profession. Putta was not so deep into the life and the way of living at it. He has lived in that moment, caring less about the repurcussions later. He befriends Praneshacharya and he takes him to the fair that was happening in the nearby town. Even here Praneshacharya tries to maintain his dignity. Whereas, Putta, involves in all the amusements that was happening at the fair, he gambles in cock fight winning some bets, he eats at a hotel, he donates money to beggars and he purchases articles and ribbons for his wife. He was content and happy at that time. By seeing this, Praneshacharya realises that he has indeed stuck to an old form of life, and whatever he has practiced for his whole life was not accepted by the new modern city. At some point of time he realises that, he must go and meet Chandri (the prostitute with whom he had sexual contact) and decides to live his rest of the life with Chandri. But, soon backed off by his decision, he tries to reveal everything infront of Putta, even here he couldn't manage to do that. Fighting within his own daemons, Praneshacharya finally decides to head back to his village Durvasapura and accept his guilt infront of the villagers and accept whatever fate that was coming before him.

Praneshacharya realises that his knowledge has no application in practical life. He proves to be weak in whatever resolution that he has taken. He runs away to forests right after cremating his wife like a coward. Though there was an epidemic in the village, he was constantly reminded about his guilt sexual act with Chandri, this leads him to not to care about the people of his village, and runs into woods. Thinking all this in his mind, Praneshacharya realises that, Our Shastra's and Veda's are not the ultimate thinking ?, There is life beyond to this. This is dogmatic and superstitious and it has got no relevance in modern society.

Praneshacharya informs Putta about his decision to go back to his village and boards a bullock cart that was heading to his village "Anxious and Expectant".

The entire novel abruptly ends here, leaving the readers to imagine the rest of the story themselves.

It is I think, overall, a mistake to interpret Samskara, primarily as a assault on Brahminhood. At the same time, it is equally mistake to look this novel as a complex apparatus of rules, rituals and taboos, which is responsible for the decay of Indian civilization. The novel merely interprets the orthodox theological doctrine of falling from a forture on a human and universal plane and dramatizes effectively through a delicate interplay of character and situation.

My Rating: 3.5/5

Monday, March 24, 2014

Book Review #5 - Dongri to Dubai - S. Hussain Zaidi

Dongri to Dubai
This one book where you never want to put down at any cost. Written with a great eloquency with a massive amount of research. And I read it completely in one sitting throughout a day.

The author S. Hussain Zaidi a veteran crime reporter and a journalist, and being mentored by the famour crime journalist Jyotirmoy_Dey who had covered Mumbai Mafia for more than 2 decades and conducted what is known to be the last interview of the Mumabi Underworld Don and now a fugitive Dawood Ibrahim.

Zaidi's book, Dongri to Dubai, presents an authentic and exemplifying account of the history of Mumbai Mafia spanning for more than 60 years from the post independent days of 1950's till 2000's, in a staggering 60 chapters and 300 odd pages.

Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, the world's most wanted man, is a son of a Mumbai police personnel Ibrahim Kaskar who was known for his integrity and loyalty towards country and he has served honestly throughout his entire tenure as a policemen.

If you hog into internet and search for this man, Dawood Ibrahim, you will find a plethora of information on this underworld don. But you hardly get a complete detailed picture of this man and his stories. This is the book that fills that gap, Dongri to Dubai. Apart from this book, the author Hussain Zaidi has written a number of other books on the same genre, mainly, Black Friday, Mafia Queens of Mumbai, Headley and I and the latest one Byculla to Bangkok.

The book begins with a period of 1950's to 60 - the early days of Mumbai Mafia and gradually moves on to the era of smugglers like Haji Mastan, Vardarajan Mudaliar (VARDA Bhai) and the meance of PATHAN gang who are migrated from Afghanistan and Peshawar post independence. And also the short history of dreadful gangster Manya Surve. It gained power and cult between the 3 people 2 Tamilians and 1 PATHAN. It was Haji Mastan's connections, Varda's shrewedness and Karim Lala's muscle power that made mumbai underworld what it is today. Haji Mastan and Varadarajan Mudliar are from Tamil Nadu whereas Karim Lala is from Peshawar who moved to Bombay in 1930's. While Mastan worked as coolie Mazagoan docks to make ends meet and Varda tried to make a living by working as a porter at the landmark of victoria terminus. Karim Lala established a gambling den and later moved on to money laundering. The stepped up into the world of crime by smuggling goods across the Bombay port's, extortion, producing country liquor, which was banned at that time.

Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, born as a second son to the respectable police constable, who entered into the world of Bombay crime in late 1970's. The very first crime that dawood committed was a robbery. Later he was also involved in Money Extortions and thefts across Bombay ports. Later he was elevated as a Bombay Don when Bombay police used him as a PAWN, in the fight against the PATHAN gang and thus started his journey towards becoming the number one don in Mumbai.

By late 1970's, Dawood along with his brother Sabir, Anees and his manager Khalid ventured into smuggling market in the middle eastern countries, especially Dubai, for Radio Transistors, Watches and later to Golds. He was continuing his dream run, until his brother Sabir was killed by Pathan gang in a petrol bunk, shot at point blank range. This incident has led into the events, that what we can call as a gang war. Dawood partnerships with Bada Rajan and Chota Rajan and an erruption of gang war resulted in the deaths of Pathan Amir, Bada Rajan, Abdul Kunju, Samad Khan, etc.. This event leads Dawood to escape from Bombay in 1986 and he seeks an asylum in Dubai.

In Dubai, Dawood built an empire itself with the help of his close aides, mainly Chota Rajan and Chota Shakeel. It is where the term D-Company came into existence. From there, Dawood controlled the Bombay Mafia. Though Dawood migrated to Dubai, the gang wars in Bombay was never ceased to stop. It was continued with lot of killings and personal vengence. The worst happened for Dawood was the Mumbai Serial Blasts in 1993. Dawood's name was the first name that came to the picture of Bomaby Police, and he was the one who masterminded it according to the police sources. This was followed by the fallout of friendship with Chotta Rajan who surrendered to Bombay Police, but never agreed to return to India, without the promise of a proper trial of him in court. Later, Chotta Rajan migrated to many places including Malaysia, Europe and Thialand.

During these times, entry of Abu Salem into D-Company was a much talked issue. Abu Salem involvement in Bollywood film making made much worse for the then top actors. Almost every actor in Bollywood was being interrogated about Abu Salem links with the movie industry. There was also few incidents like attack on Hrithik Roshan's father Rakesh Roshan. One more incident being, the movie "Chori Chori Chupke Chupke" starring Salman Khan, Preity Zinta, etc.. being funded by Mumbai Underworld people, mainly Abu Salem. Later police brought a stay on that movie from getting released into theatres. Then Abu Salem was arrested along with his Girl Friend Monica Bedi, etc.. This book leaves no leads behind. Author has classified everything according to the incidents in chronological order.

All these incidents leading the then Indian government pressurizing Dubai government for the handover of Dawood to India. This led Dawood to forcefully seek asylum in Pakistan. That is his current headquarteres of D-Company according to this book.

The next few incidents after Dawood relocated to Pakistan. Getting married his daughter to Pakistan's ex cricketer Javed Miandad's Son. The lavish party that he threw on this occasion. And, some of the popular Bollywood faces attending this party, etc..

Overall, Zaidi's cinematic narration and numerous Hindi Dailogues in this book which could have done without makes it an apt choice for movie adoptions. Without much surprise, parts of this book has already been made into movies. Especially, Shootout at Wadala, Shootout at Lokhandwala, D-Day, etc..

Although this book promises the readers give them insights into the origins of Mumbai Underworld, it progresses to become a lousy attempt of the writer to paint a humble human face of Dawood portraying him as a mere pawn which used him at large. And, this leaves the reader with an impression that, Dawood might be an innocent and not a criminal, who just stood there gazing at the incidents happen through his name.

However, this book is still recommended for anyone, who wants to understand the evolution of Bombay underworld and in general Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar.

My Rating: 4/5

Friday, March 21, 2014

Book Review #4 - Kavalu By Dr. S.L.Bhyrappa

Before I begin the review of this book. Let me put it straight-forward, according to the major critics and some of his loyal fans "This book is not one of the major works of Dr. S.L.Bhyrappa". Main reason being, the subject of the novel that the author took in this book, is entirely a contemplation of everyone's modern day-to-day life of Indians. And, this book depicts those society that is populated with a coward, timid people.

The primary argument that the author was trying to portray in this novel is about the feminist movment that has raked up in recent years, and misuse of the laws by these "so called" feminist activists to harrase a major portion of the male population in the name of domestic violence, dowry, etc.. This book hits right on the face with reality that this country is going through at this moment. That may be the best reason why even some of the ardent fans of SL Bhyrappa is not able to completely digest this novel. Rather, they were disturbed at the thoughts and questions raised in this book. This reality is in a pure need of introspection among the masses. If you ask anyone the subjects covered in this novel, instead of accepting the grave realities, rather they will go in a defensive mode and pretend nothing is wrong with their family system.

What began as a movment in post-independent era of India for bringing gender equality in the name of Feminism agenda. Today it has taken a deep turn and used as a last resort for exploitations, torture against innocent male popluation. I am in no way support of domestic violence, I am just articulating what author is trying to bring out the issues.

The introduction to the novel itself is quite disturbing, a big industrialist Mr. Jayakumar was arrested on the domestic violence charges and was put behind the bars. Later it got revealed that, the complainant is none other than his own wife (2nd wife) Mangala, who was an active feminist.

Mr. Jayakumar was an example of rags-to-riches in those days. Married to Vaijayanthi a supportive female who helps Jayakumar to build his industries and held a responsible position to develop it. They had a daughter Puttakka. It so happened one day that, Vaijayanti and Puttakka met with a severe accident and result of which their daughter had sustained serious head injuries and became mentally challenged for rest of her life. Whereas, Vaijayanthi is dead.

Now, author explains how Mangala became wife of Jayakumar. Mangala was appointed as a personal secretary of Jayakumar in his business. She seduces Jayakumar with her paegent beauty which lands Jayakumar to invite Mangala to have a sexual contact with him. This illicit relationship was going on for a while, later it got revealed that, Mangala is now carrying Jayakumar's child in her womb. This was a blow to Jayakumar, since, this relation was just on a mutual consent and neither of them agreed for marriage. Later, Mangala forces Jayakumar to marry her, otherwise, she will stage a protest against him and bring down his reputation. Locked with no other choices Jayakumar marries Mangala.

One must understand what the author is trying to say here. Though they were married to each other, their marriage life never took up on the path of happiness. Infact, Jayakumar was always repenting for his decision to have a sexual relationship with Mangala. Being a feminist from her college days, Mangala, never accepted anything that her husband used to insist. Daily they used to fight over petty things. In one such incidents, when Jayakumar was helping his mentally challenged daughter for dinner, Mangala abused Jayakumar that, he has a sexual desires for her 14 year old daughter. This is where the novel takes it twist.

When author tries to bring out the college days of Mangala, he introduces a character "Ila". She was the lecturer of Mangala. Studied in England, she returns to join this college as a lecturer on social studies and reforms. In no time, Ila became the favorite person of Mangala, due to the feminist thoughts of Ila on various issues. Infact, Ila went a step ahead and asked her students (especially female students) to participate in one of the forums where they discussed about having sex before marriage. She insisted that, sexual desires are equal for both men and women, and one shouldn't have a fear or something to talk openly about this. Listnening to all this speeches, Mangala was so enthralled and decides to become an active feminist in future.

During this time, Author brings up one more character, Prabhakar who is a fellow student in her college whom Mangala was in love with. They were the most talked couple of college, since, their love relationship is known to each and everyone in college including lecturers and professors. It so happened that, Prabhakar indulges in an unprotected sexual contact with Mangala one day, and later when Mangala found out that she is carrying Prabhakar's baby. She insists Prabhakar to marry her. Prabhakar declines marrying her and rather suggests her to get an abbortion. Mangala brings this issue infront of Ila her lecturer, Ila also suggests Mangala to get abborted and break her relationship with Prabhakar. Also, she encourages Mangala that she has done no wrong and it is just nothing but desire and she should not feel herself sorry for doing this. This is breakthrough in Mangala's thoughts.

Author SL Bhyrappa also introdues the family of Ila. Ila was married to a successfull professional Vinay Chandra and they have also have a daughter Sujaya. Even Ila tries to dominate her husband on all issues and decisions. Due to this Nagging wife, Vinay Chandra thought of separating from her and gets his job transferred to Delhi. He insists her to change her job and move with him. He already knew her decisions, and when she said she can't come and neither she will be sending her daughter with him. Vinay Chandra moved alone to Delhi and visited his daughter once in every 3 months. Being separated from Wife, Vinay Chandra has been involved in having sexual contacts with Call Girls. Here the Author brings up the main causes of the breakdown of marriage.

Even Ila, having separated from her Husband, though she decides to leave her job and go and join Vinay Chandra in Delhi. Her feminist ideologies stops her from doing so. She thought herself that, "Why only female's have to adjust everytime. Why can't he quit his job and search for a new job in this town itself.?". This is the case with majority of the population of India today.

Years have passed, and now Ila's daughter Sujaya is already 18 years now. One day, she finds out her mother Ila having an illicit relationship with a minister of the town in her own house. Horrified at this incident, Sujaya not dared to ask her mother Ila about her acts. But Ila herself, one day reveals that, she needed a partner who will satiate her sexual desires and she tries to justify it by saying that, Vinay Chandra is also having relationship (not one, but many) with call girls. And, she openly says to her daughter Sujaya that, she is already 18 now and she can have her own relationship with a person whom she likes. And, advises that, safe sex should be practiced. Having understood everything, Sujaya decides to move out from her Mother's house and calls her dad and explains everything and she moves into a Hostel.

Later Vinay Chandra files a divorce from here wife Ila.

Here Mangala finds out Prabhakar again in one of the Feminist meetings in the city. It brought down all her memories down the lane. Then she decides that, rather than living a dead life with Jayakumar, it is good to get separated from him. She befreinds Prabhakar again, and, their relationship beguns to grow day by day. She invites Prabhakar to her house when no one is there and indulges in sexual activities. Mangala one day forces Prabhakar to marry her and she is ready to divroce Jayakumar. Even this time Prabhakar declines and says this was a mututal consented relationship and on top of that, he is happily married now and he cannot have a second wife now.

Jayakumar's mother is another important character in this novel which is introduced much later. A woman who speaks of the strength of the values that she has found in living in a hard life through her entire years. The twist in this novel appears, when Jayakumar's mother visits him in Jail and finds out that Mangala is sole responsible for this entire fiasco. She says "He is my Son, and he needs me now". This is the right discousure on the other side of the novel.

The other small character which appears in the novel is Nachiketa, Jayakumar's elder brother's son. Who lived in USA and lost everything and returned empty handed to rebuild his life. Even his story reveals that he was the victim, who was abused by domestic violence laws. An young man, migrated to USA, at first lives-in with a white woman, who walks out this live-in arrangement within 2 years. He then falls for another elderly white woman who is a mother of two. She traps him in a marriage and grants him freedom when he agrees to pay everything that she has demanded from him. In the end, he marries Jayakumar's mentally challenged daughter Puttakka to start his life afresh.

The male protagonists in this novel Kavalu is of a mere symbolic representations and nothing much importance given to these characters. Mr. Jayakumar being shown as a sober, socialist person who wants to get in the good books of society. But, lacks courage to encounter his personal exploitations from his own family members and he stood gazing at his personal downfall. Whereas, Vinay Chandra a sophisticated professional ubran lad, who doesn't hesitate to manipulate the things that he wants either by hook or crook. And lastly Nachiketa, a loser who lost everything abroad and returns pale to start his life again.

Overall, the two stories that is emerged in this novel is disturbing and dangerous. We have often created lot of Mangala's and Ila's in our society in the name of feminist agenda. Both of these 2 characters fails to understand their family bondings and kept their personal agenda atop. Ila, not only fails to understand her daughter Sujaya personally. Whereas, Mangala, inspired by the Ila's personal conviction about feminist ideologies kept every step in wrong direction, which failed her in every relation that she had.

One must understand, why people with their eyes tied blind, albeit sincere to their ideologies are rigid by the very same ideologies. And live their life in denial and always seeks an opportunity to blame other people for their current situation than to introspect a bit.

Despite a total tragic end of both the families, every male character in this novel tries to bring back their family together and tries to fix up their shattered love life relation. Failing to do so, Jayakumar after getting separated from his wife and completing his tenure in jail, starts a new consulting business with the help of his elder brother's son Nachiketa, who married Jayakumar's daughter Puttakka.

The readers of this novel needs to create a picture of their own according to his/her own beliefs, mental positions, character, imagination, sophistication and a profound expirience. For most of the people this novel can't be digested soon, they need to re-read entirely to understand their social stands.

My Rating: 4.5/5

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Book Review #3 - The Book Of General Ignorance

The Book of General Ignorance
This is one of the finest books under Non-Fiction category that I have read in recent times. As the title of the book itself is quite interesting “The Book of Genral Ignorance” and not the “General Knowledge”. Edited in a humorous manner, this book is a sure gripping read for those who want to expand their knowledge on various areas. Ranging from History, Animals, Food till new age inventions, everything that has been covered that gives a good chance to understand it better.

One more interesting thing is the tagline of this book, “Everything you think you know is (Still) wrong”. Yes, as the book suggests, what we thought right was always a wrong one.

This book was written by authors John Lloyd and John Mitchinson. These 2 creative heads thought of educating the whole world about the true facts, which is usually distorted versions of what we read and understood.

This is not a single one time book, rather, it is a series of updates every 2 or 3 years.

This book is basically the collection of the famous British Game Show QI. Hosted by John Lloyd with research head John Mitchinson. They invite people from across the world to participate in the game show and a random question is posed for them. The structure of this book is quite interesting, every book contains atleast 230 random question on various topics that was being played on the QI game show. Later, it will be collected and for each question, the answers are researched and given with complete details in the book.

Some sample questions goes like this:

Q: How many nostrils have you got ?
The immediate answer would be, 2. But, its wrong. The answer is 4. The other 2 migrated back inside the head to become internal nostrils called choannae – Greek for ‘funnels’. These connect to the throat and are what allow us to breathe through our noses.

Q: Where is the driest place on earth ?
If you think it would some desert area. Then again you are wrong. The answer is Antartica. Parts of this continent has seen no rain for almost 2 million years.

Q: Where is the highest Mountain in our universe ?
Its not Mount Everest. It is on Mars. The giant volcano Mount Olympus Mons is the highest mountain in the solar universe known to humans.

Q: Who Invented the Telephone ?
Again you got it wrong, it’s not Grahambell. It is Antonio Meucci.

Q: From where does Chicken Tikka Masala came from ?
Not from India. It is from Glasgow, England. Or plainly, it is British who introduced it to India.

Q: From where does Panama hats came from ?
It’s not Panama. It is Ecuador.

Q: What does the poem “Ring-a-ring Roses” means ?
It’s not a kids poem. It is written for Plague.

Q: How many planets are there in the solar system ?
No it’s not 9. Pluto has been demoted from the status of planet, to a dwarf planet.

Q: What is the main ingredient of Air ?
It is not oxygen. It is Nitrogen.

Q: Who fought the battle at culloden ?
It’s Scotland Versus Scotland.!!

Q: What does cindrella’s slippers made from ?
Not Glass. It is Squirrile’s Fur.

Q: What is the unluckiest date ?
It is not Friday the 13th. It is Monday the 27th.!!

Q: What Rhymes with Orange ?
There are proper nouns in English mainly Blorenge and Gorringe.

Q: How long is a day ?
It depends. Certainly not 24 hours. There is slight seconds of difference on everday.

Q: What effects does alcohol have on brain ?
It doesn’t kills the brain cells. It just slows the process of new cells generation.

Q: What produces the most of earth’s oxygen ?

Q: Was the first computer Bug a real insect ?

Q: What is the name of captial city of Thailand ?
Krungthep Mahanakhon Amorn Rattanakosin Mahintara Yudthaya Mahadilok Pohp Noparat RajathaneeBureerom Udomrajniwes Mahasatarn Amorn Pimarn Avaltarnsatit Sakatattiya Visanukram Prasit.

And the list goes on and on and on.

People interested can go and search for the answers on their own..!!

People looking out to spend some quality and fun time with a book. Then this book is a must read for everyone. It’s not only entertaining, also a great source to expand one’s knowledge.

My Rating: 5/5

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Book Review #2 – Animal Farm George Orwell (Parallel story to Russian Revolution)

Animal Farm
The book “Animal Farm by George Orwell”, Published in 1945, which created a lot of controversies. As Orwell himself claims that this book reflects the events leading to Russian Revolution of 1917 and to the stalin era in the Soviet Union as cited by Wikipedia.

Me, being an avid reader of Historical and Political books, I absolutely enjoyed reading this book. As a matter of fact, we must know about Russian Revolution of 1917 and Stalin’s Communist ideologies to relate to the characters in this book. Orwell, by creating a parallel story for these Russian Revolution, created the Animal Characters and marvelled at it.

It requires great amount of perception and intelligence to understand the political statement that Orwell was trying to make with “Animal Farm – A Fairy Tale”.

And the readers, must have interest in finding out the subtle link between the Animal Farm and The Russian Revolution. Only then, I can vouch you, this book will make you drool for more. (Not an exaggeration though!).

In his era, The author Orwell had an amazing insights into the Communist Regimes. Orwell wrote Animal Farm at a time when, the truth was hardly known to the people in Russia. According to the global readers opinion, Orwell must get a noble prize for bringing out the truth in such a fashion.

So, Here we go…

Mr. Jones, the owner of Manor Farm, is a lazy drunkard person. It so happened that, one day, due to over drinking, he forgets to feed his overworked and underfed livestock. This led to a discussion among the animal groups during every night and decided to take over the Farm by Humans into the hands of Animals, which led by PIGS.

By taking consent of all the animals, the PIGS decided to finally attack Mr. Jones and take over the Farm. Vowing to eliminate the terrible inequality of the Human Farm, the renamed “ANIMAL FARM” was organized to benefit all the animals who walks on Four Legs. When Chickens questioned on their positions, since they had only two legs, PIGS convinced the chickens that, the WINGS are indeed a form of Legs, that eventually they are also FOUR LEGGED animals.

Finally all animals, one day, attacked Mr. Jones and took over the farm into their control. But, as the time passess, the ideals of the rebellion are corrupted and then forgotten. And something new and unexpected emerges.

The Hypocrisy of the regime, with changing of the commendments to fool the guillable masses as and when it suited for pigs. The initial commendments when the ANIMAL FARM was formed was this one,


Now, this has been changed by the corrput PIGS to,


Let us first understand what is Communism is all about:

Communism was supposed to be a utopian solution for the imperfect world we live in, where some are more equal than others. But, they must have forgotten that, even a small baby is capable of taking care of its own doll.

Communism also requires that all means of production be controlled by a BIG BROTHER. In other words, No one can own his or her own business or produce his or her own goods, because the BIG BROTHER owns everything.

Communism is an idea that everyone in a society receives equal share of the benefits derived from its labor. Communism is designed to allow the poor to raise up and attain social and financial status equal to that of Middle class land owners.

In order to acheive equality, wealth is shared so that the members of the upper class are brought down to same social and financial status as that of middle class. They didn’t think that, by doing this, they are actually pulling people to a stress and hatred mode.

Back to book…

In the novel ANIMAL FARM, Snowball (another Pig who is equal to Napolean), is chased out of the farm by Napolean’s vicious guard dogs. Afer that, Napolean blames his erstwhile colleague and hatchet man snowball for all the problems on the farm, and he alludes that Snowball was a Mr. Jones stooge.

Snowball had fought bravely at the “Battle of Cowshed”. Now, all the other animals was being brainwashed into believing that snowball was a double agent and he is actually fighting for Mr. Jones and shots/Wounds he sustained in the battle are made out to be Napolean inflicted on him. Those other animals who are accused of supporting Snowball are purged and executed after being forced to confess and Napolean offered a reward for capturing Snowball.

Napolean takes Nine puppies from their parents and begins to raising them himself with cunning motives. No one knows exactly, what he is doing with the dogs, until recently the dogs suddenly appears, fully grown to chase the Snowball off the farm.

After Snowball is exiled into woods, Napolean is in complete dictatorial control of the farm. He speaks relatively little because he has a squealer who does all his jobs. He is eliminating all chances of open protest by banning public meetings, saying that it is better if all the decisions are decided by the committee headed by Napolean.

Later, Napolean rarely appeared in public meetings, and spent all his time being a monarch of the farm. When he did emerge, it was solely for the purpose of some ceremonial reasons with an escort of dogs around him. He protects himself all fronts and loopholes. With the help of squealer and the other pigs, he re-wrote the history of the Animal Farm. By portraying Snowball as a traitor and increasing his own popularity as a protector of the farm. He relies on the guillability of the strongest animals, like Boxer the Horse and the apathy of the wisest, like Benjamin the Donkey. When anyone questions Napolean’s ideas or decisions, he has a herd of sheeps, loudly protesting it over and drowing it out.

The connection with Russian Revolution:

Napolean is STALIN. Joesph Stalin was the general secretary of the Communist Party from 1922 until his death more than 30 years later. Like Napolean, Stalin was a master of manipulation and a spin doctor for the highest pedigree. He grew a secret police force, the NKVD (now KGB) which behaved like Napolean’s Dogs (as in Novel) , ultimately proving its efficiency by assassinating Leo Trotsky.

Stalin also kept a tight control over the media, commissioning paintings of himself in which the children gazed up at him adoringly. He used his political power to essentially, re-write the Russian History, giving himself a much larger role in the Russian Revolution in 1917 than he had actually played and later suggesting that he was the only one who is personally responsible for winning the World War II.

This is a striking similarity of the Orwell in his Novel Animal Farm, where Napolean the PIG, portrays itself as a savior of the farm and giving himself the award for the battle. In reality, it was Snowball who had done most of the battle wining against humans.

One of the biggest parallels between Napoleon and Stalin has to do with the way Animal Farm’s productivity slumps off while Napoleon is in control.  He decides to fill the granaries with sand to hide the smaller harvest.  This episode is an allusion to how Stalin disrupted agricultural production with his Five-Year-Plans (begun in 1928). When the Plans resulted in widespread famine across Russia, Stalin did his best to conceal coverage of the famines and to make it look like Russia was doing as well as before.

Napoleon’s was cunning and shrewd.  Animal Farm is a machine that runs according to Napoleon’s iron will. We get hints of Napoleon’s ruthless Stalin type nature long before it erupts into full force. The first comes when he unleashes the dogs on Snowball, and they chase him out of the farm. The second comes when Napoleon squashes the hen rebellion by cutting off their food rations, causing a number of hens to die of starvation. But nothing measures up to what he does next.

Napoleon begins to demand that various animals come forward and make false confessions before the group.  He gets rid of anyone that had the power and means to contradict him, and after they reveal themselves as traitors, “the dogs promptly tore their throats out” .

In this way,

Napoleon knocks off the four pigs who sometimes agreed to disagree with him, and the hens who acted as ringleaders in the rebellion.

“And so the tale of confessions and executions went on, until there was a pile of corpses lying before Napoleon’s feet and the air was heavy with the smell of blood, which had been unknown there since the time of Jones “.

The violence that erupts mid-way through Orwell’s “Fairy Tale,” is an allusion to the Great Purge, also known as the Great Red Terror, which was overseen by Stalin in the late 1930s. Pig Napoleon’s methods mirror Stalin’s own quite closely.

Some people would just disappear; others were sent to the Gulag prison camps; others were arm twisted ( by kidnapping their children ) to discredit themselves publicly by confessing to crimes they had never committed.  All of these extreme methods were ways for Stalin to consolidate his power, to make sure that his position was unshakeable.

What is so diabolical about Napoleon’s method is that he forces such animals to tell lies about themselves before they die.  And dead men nay animals tell no tales. By robbing their right to free speech, he forces the animals to essentially kill any public respect or self respect they might have had.

Both Napoleon and Stalin were dictators.  Fuelled and driven by paranoia  cum sheer love for violence. To make sure all of this floats with the other animals, Napoleon cleverly keeps doctoring the Commandments to make them say what he wants them to say.  Squealer explains that the commandment didn’t say that you couldn’t sleep in a bed, only that you couldn’t sleep in a bed with sheets.  Similarly, the commandment forbidding alcohol later forbids drinking alcohol to excess.

Meanwhile, Napoleon denounces all the grand social dreams that gave birth to the idea of Animal Farm.  He tells the other animals: “the truest happiness lay in working hard and living frugally” . In other words, Napoleon has taken the idea of prosperous living and kept it all for himself.  Everyone else is out on their own.

It’s clear that Napoleon has made a mockery of Old Major’s ideas in the same way that Stalin did. The “worker’s state” that actually existed under Stalin was more like a horrible, dark parody.

In short Orwell seems to be arguing that delusional idealist thinkers, totally out of touch with reality can imagine fantastic utopias,  but there’s always gonna to be some dirty pig that comes along to put a spanner in the works.

My Rating: 5/5

Monday, March 17, 2014

Book Review #1 - Aavarana by Dr. S.L.Byrappa

As I start to write my first ever review of many books that I read in past years. For sure, this books tops my list. It's sheer magnitude of information will make anyone drool for more. It is thought provoking, as well as bit controversial.

As many Indians in India, who put a "Secular" tag on their foreheads, will hate this book to the core. But they cannot ignore the facts, that has been put up in this book. With most number of reprints to its accolade, this book for sure, will make anyone to think about the distorted facts of our country India. And for those "Seculars" who hate to discuss the facts that India have been through over many centuries, the attrocities faced by Indians from the Moghul Invaders and their barbaric events that had a serious impact on our cultural, religious and sentimental beleifs.

Let's dwell straight into the review.

At the beginning of the book, the author Dr. S.L.Bhyrappa expresses the meaning of Aavarana. By giving profound examples from Advaitha, Vedantha. He tries to portray Aavarana as the maya or the illusions, or the cover. And, he tries to uncover this Veil through this book.

It is not a simple task to take up this kind of writing. It requires great courage and conviction to come up with such a factful book, unleashed in a fictional story. In just about 300 odd pages, Aavarna uncovers the most hidden historical attacks on Hindusim by Islam's encounter in India.

The book opens with RAZIYA, a middle aged documentary film-maker, a feminist by heart and soul, who has been married to AMIR. The plot opens when RAZIYA was assigned to do a documentary movie on the ruins of HAMPI, the cultural captial of Karnataka. Her Husband AMIR who is the director incharge of the doucmentary movie that they are going to shoot at Hampi.  The main motive of the documentary movie, which was funded by a 'Secular' government that, to portray HAMPI as a resemblence to a Hindu-Muslim brotherhood. When RAZIYA learns to understand the actual cause of the wreckage in HAMPI, she began to go through her own life memories which led to her today's life.

Now, the author brings up the younger days stories of RAZIYA.

When RAZIYA heard about her father's death, she decides to go back to her village to see her house in HASSAN district. The village which she left about 28 years ago, protesting her family to marry AMIR. As she came inside her father's house. She examined a small library that her father built up for himself to study about the history. She was asotnished to find several volumes of literature books, about Islam's encounter with Hindus. Her father also left with a note of summary on each book that he has completely read and understood. As she starts reading those books, she gets reminded herself about what her father had warned her, when she decides to marry a muslim boy AMIR. "Lakshmi, one day, you will realise in future, that, your own descendants will destroy our temples".

This is a twist in the plot that, RAZIYA was a Hindu before marrying AMIR. Her real name was LAKSHMI.

Lakshmi's past begins to play in her mind in her father's room. How she was a successful bright student in her college days, How feminist activist she was in her college. How she used to give so many debates about equality that is required for females in the country, etc.., By having this modern mindset, she decides to marry her classmate AMIR that she was in love with. Despite getting married to AMIR, Lakshmi never understood, why she has to change her religion and practice Islam. In reality, AMIR was not as broad minded as LAKSHMI thought he was. He insisted her to change her religion, otherwise, their marriage will not be accepted by his parents. Her first rift with AMIR comes up when he forces Lakshmi(Now Raziya) to eat Beef. Similar to this, there were numerous tryst that she faces during her married life with Amir over these 28 years. They had a son, who is a Graduate from a USA university but found a job in Saudi-Arabia. Living in Saudi-Arabia and having spent most of his childhood with Amir's parents, he has turned out to be a hardcode Islam by heart.


Now Lakshmi decides to stay back in her village and decides to read the entire literary collection that her father has collected over many years. From now onwards, author Dr. SL.Bhyrappa gives another story inside the story which unveils the actual Islam encounters with Hindus, through Raziya reading her father's books.

She reads everything starting with Tippu Sultan and the numerous robberies that he has conducted over many years in Kerala and Karnataka. And, numerous forceful conversion of "Infidels" to Islam either by submission or by force. And, how Tippu Sultan tries to bring in PERSIAN as a primary language and business administration language in Mysore Province. (In Tippu's era, the whole Karnataka was being called as Mysore province).

As she skims through books after books, she encounters a tale of a small Hindu kingdom which had serious conquest with Moghuls. Everybody had died in that conquest, except the Younger Prince, who had been married recently to a younger girl. Author, SL Bhyrappa also describes the practice "Jouhar" during those time, which is every female persons in the family will commit mass suicide, than getting raped by the rutheless Moghul invaders. And, every male person will fight the battle till his last breath. During this conquest, the younger prince is captured, and a very famous temple has been smashed to ashes, and the main diety idol has been vandalised. The captured younger prince has been tortured, abused him for Homosexual desires of Moghul invaders, and he was forcefully sex changed to be a Hijda. And later he was sold as a slave to a Mullah and he was renamed as Khwaja Jahan. One will feel really bad to know the process of Castrating people in the Moghul days. Author has explained it in details which can be read in the book.

The books depicts the slavery system that Moghuls used to carry out on Hindus in India. The book also describes, how the centuries old civilization, religious beleifs, practices, harmony among many people has been destroyed by Islamic invaders. It also shows about some people who tries to oppose them and tries to preserve our culture.

SL Bhyarppa also tries to describe our Seculars, Modern thinking professors, Progressive writers in India who thinks that history being distorted and all the facts about Islamic barbarism in India is all lie and they went a step ahead and portrays Islamic rule as the progressive, peaceful era of our country. To give details about these persons, SL Bhyrappa created a character called as "Prof. Shastri", who is a lecutrer of LAKSHMI in her college days, and who is married to a christian when he went for higher stuides in England.

Overall, the book raises an important question of Hindusim on a comparison with Christianity and Islam. The western countries have already rejected the notion of keeping religion as a base to rule the country and brought in the democracy. So does India, being a world's biggest democratic nation, Indians especially Hindus have faced a lot of opressions from Islam invaders through many centuries.

The critics always tries to demote Aavarana by giving lectures about how fundamental thinking this writer has. This is hard Hindu fundamentalist thinking, etc..etc.. the blabbering goes on every day since Aavarana has been released to the stores. They even managed to stage protests against SL Bhyrappa and demanded government to ban this book altogether in India.

To everyone's surprise, this book has been recorded with highest number of reprints, and got translated to more than 10 Indian languages. Recently it got translated to english as well. The english titled book of Aavarana is "Aavarana - The Veil". You can purchase the book here Aavarana - The Veil

How long do we have to ignore the threats of these radical thinking Fundamentalists ?, There is no progressive change from Babur, Akbar, Aurangazeb time to Osama Bin Laden these days. What motivated those people in those days, Bin Laden has the same motives when he attacked twin towers. Besides, what passes as medival history is a mere interpretation. That's Aavarana.

My Rating: 5/5