
Review Policy!

Review Policy:

I am committed to honesty in my review. I do not receive any compensation whatsoever for my reviews, other than the free e-ARC from publishers and other individual authors. I don’t follow a stringent timeline while reviewing the book. If you’re asking me to review a book on my blog, I am glad to do it, but, at my own time frame.

For Authors and Publishers:

I will not be reviewing any self-published books or books that are available only in ebook format. So, if you are sending any books for reviewing on my blog, please help to furnish the below details along with your book.
  • Title and author of the book you want me to review.
  • Cover image of the book to use in my review.
  • An excerpt or synopsis from the book.
  • Genre of the book.
  • Any other details that you would like to update.

Send in your requests for books reviews to the email id:

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