
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Book Review #78: Black Friday: The True Story of the Bombay Bomb Blasts By S. Hussain Zaidi

Title: Black Friday: The True Story of the Bombay Bomb Blasts
Author: S. Hussain Zaidi
Publishing Year: 2002
Publishers: Penguin Group
Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 252 (Digital Edition)
Source: Personal Copy

A gory event that ruptured the heart of India. An event that is truly unforgettable, unpardonable. It was the day, the terrorists rejoiced at seeing their revenge has given the fruit. The revenge that was plotted meticulously and executed at near perfection, which resulted in the death of several hundred people and the injury of several thousands, and, making the damages cost worth hundreds of crore rupees. It was the Bombay 1993 serial blasts on March 12th, The Friday. As the author puts it, The Black Friday.

As a crime journalist, Author S. Hussain Zaidi has put in so much effort to give us a satisfying account on the Bombay blasts. He has nearly spent four years into research on this subject, interviewing several hundreds of police officials, lawyers, judges, eye witnesses, the accused people, the offenders, and journalists on that day who covered those events. He also referred hundreds of newspaper articles, press release notes, and judgment copies, charge sheets filed by the local Bombay Police and charge sheets filed by the CBI department etc… The level of the research that author had put into shaping up this book must be immensely respected.

As far as the content of the book goes, it has every detail including what led those terrorists to take such a route to become traitors and cause havoc in their own country. It is true that, the religious motives was the prime factor here. The 1992 Babri Masjid demolition was the root cause of all this, has to be the trigger point for all of these. This has followed by the communal riots in Bombay that led to the loss of hundreds of lives within no time and causing great damage to their lives personally. However, few people that had faith in the country’s police and judicial laws were waiting patiently to seek justice. But, few people took the other route to avenge their attackers. Hence, this infamous 1993 Bombay blasts on 12th March, Friday, have happened.

The Memon family were believed to have suffered a considerable damage as per the book. So, the Memons took it their hearts and few infamous people in their family started to plot a revenge. Among them includes, the prime offender, the master mind of serial blasts Tiger Memon, which was financially managed carefully by his younger brother, the CA grad, Yakub Memon, who was recently hanged for this activity in July 2015.  The entire attack was presided and observed at the hands of another most wanted criminal for India, the Dawood Ibrahim.

The book explains categorically the way Tiger Memon planned the attacks and how he recruited his mujahideen’s a.k.a fighters to go with him to avenge their Muslim brothers. This group of people that Tiger has recruited for his mission had received arms training in Pakistan. This was carefully planned out by Dawood Ibrahim and Tiger Memon. All these young people, probably in their early 20’s had no idea for what they are subjecting themselves into. All they thought was, they are fighting against the infidels and so must they be fighting a holy war or jihad. Tiger had planned carefully to send all these people to Pakistan secretly via Dubai, at which, he succeeded. After their training on handling AK 56, hand grenades, fixing timer bombs, handling pencil grenades, using rocket launchers, setting up RDX, Gelatin, etc… these youth returned to Bombay to carry out the operation, which the world will remember as one of the ghastly incidents of blasts that have happened.

As the book progresses further, we get to see the details of how these terrorists have chalked out their plans and the various places that they decided to plant the Bombs etc… They have chosen some of the busiest places in Bombay such as BSE office, Zaveri bazar, Shiv Sena’s office, and Air India office, several five star hotels, busy streets (for planting the Bombs in Bikes), etc…. So in each of these places they have set the timer bombs, so that, the explosions keep happening every 15 minutes or so. This has continued for almost two to three hours at seven to nine places.

As in case of every crime scene, the perpetrators leaves behind a heavy amount of clues. So is the case of Bombay blasts. The eminent police officers of Bombay led by Samra, CP Singh, Rakesh Maria, Nadagouda and likes of people who laid out a perfect plan for the investigation came out victoriously by nabbing their first link within the 48 hours of blasts. What followed later is an absolutely riveting account from the book that should be read with absolute admiration. Catching a suspect and catching the actual offender is not an easy task pertaining to the communal tensions that was slowly rising up in the city. In this event, the Bombay police has made some tremendous progress which has to be appreciated by everyone who reads the book.

Many years have passed since this incident, and several years of trial have been conducted and punishments has been announced. Hundreds of accused were arrested, released and prosecuted under the law. The most prized catch was the Bollywood movie producer’s duo and star actor Sanjay Dutt in illegal arms possession has sent ripples across the movie industry during 90’s. The younger brother of Tiger Memon, Yakub Memon’s arrest and his only interview, his approval and denial of his family involvement, his trial, the capital punishment and execution is all part of the history now.

The only thing that still rings in every reader's mind as they read through the book is, the Tiger Memon and Dawood Ibrahim. They are still alive and living in Pakistan or Dubai. Several Indian governments had come and passed, but, none of them had tried their best to put pressure on these countries to repatriate these criminals to India. We can just hope that, at least one strong government would be able to succeed in this case.

My Rating:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Book Review #77: The Power of Habit: Why we do, What we do in Life and Business By Charles Duhigg

Title: The Power of Habit – Why we do, what we do in Life and Business
Author: Charles Duhigg
Publishers: Random House
Year: 2012
Genre: Non-Fiction/Human Psychology
Source: Personal Copy

The book which explores the human habits and why it is called a habit after all. The author Charles Duhigg explains with various anecdotes from the scientific background, behavioral aspects and psychological aspects. The human habit is not something which will occur accidently, rather, it is a practiced phenomenon. This book explores this very idea of how the humans forms their habits, and the reason behind it and the inference of those habits.

This is an exceptionally written and researched book. It breaks those age old practices or the beliefs of "You can’t teach an old dog, new tricks”. Habits can be formed at any age and in any time, given, there is an enough room for acquiring the taste for it. This is really an important book and it can be used as a curriculum if you ask me. It has various examples from various cases studied for many years.

This book is mainly organized in to three different sections of habits. The habits of an individual person, the habits of an organization or a company and finally, the habits that propagates in a society that impacts the people on a larger scale. The case studies explained in every case is a testimonial of how the habits can truly become a game changer if we observe it closely. Thanks to the author. He has cleverly observed and recorded some events and cases where people can view a different angle of what the habits, why the habits and how the habits will occur and how to really change it!!

In the individual habits section, author had written an example of a person that was suffering from acute memory loss. This person went on to become famous as per those medical institutes that studied him over many years. This man was subjected to various experiments, practices and tests and recorded the results. A memory loss patient who cannot remember anything more than a minute or so, can truly practice some things repeatedly so that it can become his habits. A more of his case can be studied in the book.

In the organization example, Author had explained the cases of the famous toothpaste company Pepsodent and how this company went on to create a huge market for itself across the world, just by observing some habitual practices of people and changing the way it was marketed. People, who were not so confident about this product, has changed their minds and created a habit of brushing their teeth with Pepsodent. A more about this can be read in the book.

Finally, habits that changes the society. Author had used some of the famous examples from the American history to describe this section of the habits. The case of Montgomery bus boycott event has created a mass appeal among the people and it went on to create an important event in the history of America, drawing political personalities and other popular figures like Martin Luther King Jr. into the scenario. This case was explained brilliantly in the book and makes people to think about the habitual practice a society endorses. More about this can be read in the book.

All three section of habits draws a simple conclusion. The habits are formed in just a three step procedure. The “Cue”, the “Routine” and the “Reward”. Be it any habits like Smoking, Alcohol, Gambling, Marketing, Health care, etc... Etc… is formed in this three cycle of cue, routine and reward. For you to change any habits of yours and finding it difficult to break that cycle, Author had simply put in this amazing three sections to observe and change accordingly. Author has asked people or organization to not to change the Cue or the Reward. But, just change your Routines to achieve the same Reward. This is explained brilliantly in the following diagram.

A must read book for all those science enthusiasts. In fact, this book can be read by anyone who are in a dire need of changing their habits. It actually helps them to look deeply into their habitual routine and offers them to change a bit or two, so that, they can overcome those usual routines and achieve the same reward.

Few quotes from the book which I really liked:

“It is facile to imply that smoking, alcoholism, overeating, or other ingrained patters can be upended without real effort. Genuine change requires work and self-understanding of the cravings driving behaviors.”

“The Golden Rule of Habit Change: You can’t extinguish a bad habit, you can only change it.”

“…hiding what you know is sometimes as important as knowing it…”

“Rather, to change a habit, you must keep the old cue, and deliver the old reward, but insert a new routine.”

“This is the real power of habit: the insight that your habits are what you choose them to be.”

My Rating:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Book Review #76: Durbar By Tavleen Singh

Title: Durbar
Author: Tavleen Singh
Publishing Year: 2012
Publishers: Hachette India
Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 260+ (Digital eBook edition)
Source: Personal Copy

The political journalist turned writer Tavleen Singh has written an excellent book, which is a firsthand information that she has witnessed in her career as a political journalist. This book, as it goes with the name "Durbar" contains the account of the Prime Ministers that ruled India since the 70's. Yes, we are talking about Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi with a brief and startling account of Sanjay Gandhi, and the Italian Wife of Rajiv Gandhi the Antonio Maino a.k.a Sonia Gandhi.

The book is gripping in every aspect pertaining to the insider information of Indira Gandhi’s government. Tavleen writes about the days when Indira Gandhi became the Prime Minister of the Democratic India and events followed thereafter. Sanjay Gandhi who appeared to be apolitical, turned out to be someone who ran the government on behalf of Indira Gandhi. The Author has written exceptionally covering every possible details of this crooked Sanjay Gandhi. Sanjay Gandhi In fact had a say in everything in the Indira Gandhi government or she had granted that special permission to his dictator son to meddle with the functioning of the government.

Author goes on to expose some of the murky details of the emergency that Indira Gandhi declared in 1975 after Allahabad court issues a judgment that disqualified her as an MP. The events that followed in the name of Press Censorship during emergency that almost resented by everyone. According to the author, the emergency days were the dreadful days which became the sole reason for the rise of some of the prominent leaders like Jayaprakash Narayan, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and LK Advani etc...

After the assassination of Indira Gandhi by her personal guards and the ascension of Rajiv Gandhi as the youngest Prime Minister of India was one of the notable events in India. But the expectations were soon faded out after Rajiv Gandhi failed to stop the brainless attack on the Sikh people. Author had opinionated that, Rajiv could've done well to stop this. Who will forget that nonsense statement by Rajiv Gandhi when he was asked to comment on the massacre of Sikh community "When a big tree falls, the earth shakes".

The important takeaway from the book is the author's observation of Sonia Gandhi and her political growth. Sonia had relatively fewer friends in India in the beginning when she came from Italy. She was very close to the Quottorchi family. As per the author, these Quottorchi duo were more than mere friends of Sonia Gandhi. They had some unusual influence over the government to get the huge contracts. Sonia on the other hand, was apolitical and kept herself away from all these business. But, she wasn't that regular kind, she was keenly observing every move of her Mother-in-law Indira and her husband Rajiv. In fact she would be there in every interview that Rajiv gives to the media.

The book is clearly an eye opener for anyone who believed Rajiv or Indira has done some good job during their governance. For sure, they would have a second opinion on these Prime Minister duo. Sonia on the other hand was very reserved and careful until her husband's assassination in Tamil Nadu.

The book ends at the stage when Rajiv's assassination took place. The Durbar is truly an account of the blind Durbar (Private Ruling) of these duo who took the country to the dogs. I recommend this book to everyone. A must read.

My Rating: